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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I have found that silver solder blacken when properly cleaned and prepped. Silver soldering is something I am glad I learned. Just practice and after awhile you will never look back. David B
  2. There are several books out relating to dioramas. However is watched a video that might give you some ideas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKNo22gVtpM Hopefully this will do the trick. Outsanding machining. David B
  3. Coming in a little late on this build and hve found it a learning experience. On the coloring of your glue have you experimented with India ink? I have seen this used many times or does it depend on the glue? Your cant rames look great. David B
  4. This sounds like a great tool for the hobby. The only drawback would be the cost for the equipment and then the software and the training needed to do the job. David B
  5. Thank you for this tutorial Ron. I still remember when I was attending a club meeting when a member brought in some items that were 3D printed. Bur the main problem is the cost of owning one. You have taken the mystery out of it. David B
  6. To lose someone who is very close is hard and painful. My condolences to you and your family. David B
  7. The reason many individuals do not use interior paint is because the paint hides much of the detail on a model. The pigments are too big. David B
  8. Elijah, when I worked on the hull I asked my mentor Dana which route to take and he advized me to go the thin planking route as easier to do. So I used cherry veneer for the planking if I can remember that far back. David B
  9. Glad to see to see this build again. I have always liked looking at a trawlers unique shape. David B
  10. Elijah, solid hull models have been planked all the time. On my model of the Benjamin W Latham, I planked the hull. In fact the planking was easier since I had a solid surface to glue to. Here is the waterline marker I told you about to give you an idea of what to do. David B
  11. I am surprised at the work you do with a #11 blade, amazing. David B
  12. I am glad everything is working out Dave.. Has your hearing been affected any? David B
  13. Looking good Doc. What brand of paint are you using? As for scuppers. better ye than me. I always found them a pain. David B
  14. You have a lot of patience my friend. Keep plugging away at it and you will end up with a perfect wheel. I have faith in your skills. David B
  15. That is a nice bit of carpentering. Well done. David B
  16. I agree with what others have said Mike. I remember a guy at work who cut his thumb real bad and did not report it. About 2 weeks later his hand was swollen. He was sent to the clinic and found out that he had an infection and almost lost his hand. Please have it looked at and follow what the Dr. asks you to do. David B
  17. Mundie, A member of one of the Chicago clubs used CA for his coppering. and was satisfied with the results. David B
  18. You have both courage and a steady hand Keith. Taking a saw to a model like that gives me the willys. David B
  19. I can just imagine that beauty on Lake Michigan with me at the helm having the time of my life. Well done. David B
  20. When you rig a ship those tppls make the job much easier. However I usually made my own. David B
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