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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I have always admired plank of frame models because of their complexities. Fantastic work. David B
  2. Nicely done Dan. Your priorities are also right on. I will miss seeing you there this year. Congratulations on the lad's first communion.
  3. Who is the mfgr of your paint? Good job You are doing an excellent job. David B
  4. I will be watching with interest. At 1/96 the parts will be rough to produce I speak from experience and will give you some good times but I fully understand size restrictions. I like the cut of her. Good luck. David B
  5. Magnificent. Just be careful when you start your rigging. The spars are plastic nd will bend if to much pressure is used. And keep it out of direct sunlight and heat. David B
  6. Keep up that kind of work and you will be wearing glasses thicker than mine. David B
  7. Sounds like an interesting build as well as a labor of love I think I will be looking in on your progress if you will have me. Several years ago I bought the plans for the Beaver which was the Hudson Bay's trading vessel and will like to build her when I get the chance. Go for it. David B
  8. Your windlass looks like the real thing Nenad. Down to the last gear. Bravo. David B
  9. I knew a modeler who had the boats from that kit and was not happy with them. He used a Dremel and hollowed out the interior and then made a plug using the boat as a base. Then he planked it and the result came out quite nice. David B
  10. You are making a good start. The Scottish made is a real beauty when done right. David B
  11. You are allowing the inner child into you life go for it and I will pull up a chair and cheer you on. David B
  12. It reminds me of some o the boats I have seen on PBS when they are talking about the history of the area. Well done. David B
  13. The Olympia looks like a good build I wish you luck and have fun. My advice would be to scan the plans to your computer because you will be wanting to do over a part every now and then. And when you get frustrated walk away for awhile until you cool off. Remember to have fun and enjoy the challenge in expanding your skills and knowledge. David B
  14. When working on a model I would ask cub memebers how I was doing and when they told m what I was doing wrong I would take it and try to fis the problems constructive criticism is important if you tel someone they are making a part wrong you should be able to tell that person how to fix the problem. If you are just trying to be a know it all and think belittling someone that is not the way to be. David B
  15. I echo the top sentiments all the way. David B
  16. When I do solid hulls I usually made lifts along the waterline. It makes it easier for me to get the shape I am looking for.But to carve the hull from a straight block is a lot harder no matter what the size. You are doing a bang up job. My hat goes off to you. David B
  17. I started my card models with some of the easier ones. I saw the Arizona and would like to do it but after some research I decided to try some less complicated ones to get some experience under my belt. When starting out in a new medium it is usually smart to start out with a simple build than something that is highly complicated. I have seen that one built and it is a real beauty. However I would hold off until my skil level is better. David B
  18. Thanks for the info but I think I will leave it as once I add the rest of the assembly the only way it will be seen is with a dental mirror. I will put that down on the plans for the next time. David B
  19. When I did my model of the America years ago I did the same thing. and did not realize I had it on the wrong way until I finished the model. things happen and you just have to live with it. Nicely done on a difficult model. Kudos. David B
  20. Fortunately I scanned the plans I can print them out to get what I need. One of the plan ahhwts was damaged so that has to be reproduced as well. The part I am working on gave me fits the last time and is doing so this time as well. I am going to take a break and finish it after a good night sleep. That is if I can. David B
  21. Your assembly and attention to detail is making for a real nice model and works as an inspiration for others. David B
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