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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Congratulations Derek - prepare to fall in love! I recall when I bought mine, shipping to Australia added 50% to the price. Now, I couldn’t even tell you how much it actually cost me - only how much I love it. As the old adage goes, quality is remembered long after price is forgotten.
  2. Congratulations on the new addition to the family Mike! Now you will have even less time for modelling. 😮 Maybe you should enlist Daria’s help now that she has so much experience with her own build......🤗
  3. It has been six months since this log was last updated. It seems that the usual culprits of work, life and other projects and priorities have conspired against making progress. I did at last return to the build last weekend, although did not update progress as there was nothing really to show. The frames have been permanently attached to the keel, and then faired ready for planking. I then lined off the hull following Chuck's excellent instructions. Planking commenced with the Garboard strake, per the instructions. A small travel iron was used to provide the twist and bend required for these strakes. I cut one of the aft sections too short and so had to cut a new plank – no problem thanks to the extra material provided and the laser cut outline providing the template for the new plank. Then, when attempting to place the second (forward) plank, I discovered I’d made the new aft one too narrow. Fortunately, I'd used PVA rather than CA (which I have an allergic reaction to), so out with the isopropyl alcohol and off it came. Third time is the charm as they say, and so it was. Both Garboard planks on both sides now fitted. Hopefully it won't be another six months before the next update!
  4. Looking forward to following another “Danny Special” 😀
  5. Great videos Chuck! They may have been a pain to produce but they are absolute gold. Thank you for taking the time to do this for the community - I know that many, many people will benefit from this demonstration. If a picture tells a thousand words, then how much does a video tell? Well done, Sir!
  6. I found this in the local hardware store for AUD $9.98. It’s a reasonably soft rubber and you just cut the section to fit both the dust post on the saw and the vaccum hose. I use a Festool CTL 26 and it works like a charm.
  7. Welcome home Sherry. The violin is an outstanding piece of workmanship - I’m sure your daughter is delighted and you can be justifiably proud. Now, get back to work! 😉
  8. I guess this officially makes you a “rivet counter” Danny! 😀
  9. Great to see you back at the bench Daria. Looks like you’ve got everything under control there - except Dad! 😉
  10. Sorry to hear of your health problems Ryland, but glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. The build is looking is looking lovely.
  11. I can’t say it any better than Pat has Mark, so I’ll just add my support and best wishes through these troubled times. We’re here for you whenever you’re ready.
  12. Congratulations on finishing a fine model - she looks superb on that display base - what a great idea!
  13. Congratulations Danny! No surprise to me, but nice to see you get the recognition you so thoroughly deserve.
  14. Congratulations on completing a truly fine model Vince. You can be justifiably very proud of your achievement.
  15. For Landlubber Mike, Paul Budzik, who is an occasional contributor on this forum, has his own website and has produced a number of very useful videos about airbrushes (and other aspects of modelling), how they work, how to use them, and which one is right for you. The videos are really well done and worth a look. Here’s a link to his site: http://www.paulbudzik.com/tools-techniques/Airbrushing/airbrushing_for_modelers.html
  16. https://www.harder-airbrush.eu/en/infinity.html
  17. Thank you very much GrandpaPhil and Michael for your kind words.
  18. Great to see you back working on your fine model Mike.
  19. Congratulations - that looks like a real find! All that extra tooling is probably worth more than the lathe itself - what a bonus!
  20. Superb work Danny. The kit may be a good one, but it takes a true master to realise its full potential and you are doing just that.
  21. Congratulations on another fine build B.E. Your logs are always a pleasure to follow and I look forward to your next project.
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