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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. This seems like if should be a motto or maybe even a way of life. I feel enriched, OC. Chris, I’m sorry this one didn’t work out like you hoped. I’m looking forward to your next one.
  2. It looks excellent, Greg. I got a similar gouge this week and I’m not even sure how it happened. Luckily, mine will also be hidden by the frieze.
  3. I like this kit. I’m going to pull up a chair and watch. Good luck, Lyle!
  4. You made those baskets?! They look amazing! That had to be a really neat process.
  5. Welcome to Model Ship World, fellow Michigander! Your Le Renard looks great. This is a fantastic site. I hope you get as much enjoyment from it as I have.
  6. That's a tough call. On the Winchelsea, Chuck put a lot of emphasis on fairing the inner side of the bulkheads to ensure that the bulwarks are to scale. If that's what you'd need to do here, then that's a lot of rework. If it were me given the large number of Syren build logs, I'd look through a ton of them and see what they look like before the inner planking, at this point, and completed. That might give you insight into what you'll end up with if you keep going versus what you'd end up with if you back up. I know from experience that backing up stinks, but it has worked out for me in the end each time it happened.
  7. I’m at a really neat spot in this build. There are about half a dozen things I can work on right now. I have the Old Masters Gel Stain for the resin figures. I’m also starting the roof shingles. The upright details on the Q galleries are a lot more challenging than I expected, so they’re going to take a lot of time and patience. The starboard side gallery is waiting for a replacement part for the lower apron. But I think it’s safe to put the commode in now, so I might do that soon. I’m also working on scraping moldings. It’s fun to have choices on what to do next. Planking was a very serial process.
  8. That’s a very nice upgrade. I love how Chuck gives you enough spare parts to cover some mistakes.
  9. The bilge pumps look like quite a neat little project. It looks like you’re on track to make them really nicely. I’m looking forward to seeing this come together.
  10. That’s a neat idea for spacing the deadeyes, Peter. Nice work on your shrouds. So is there no rope other than the first thread before the crepe paper? Do you have a close up photo?
  11. You should have access to “Triton Downloads” that is accessible from the Group Projects drop down menu. It’s a little different from the arrangement for Winchelsea. In that forum, there’s a topic for Triton cross section downloads.
  12. Here’s my first attempt at a quarter gallery. I just have it tacked up with rubber cement, but I think I’m ready to glue it permanently.
  13. WalrusGuy, let me see if I understand correctly. The kit came with bits. Were they cast white metal and you chose to scratch build them? They look fantastic. Or maybe more like Justin said, gorgeous!
  14. Thanks, JJ. That’s what I thought. But I wanted to make sure in case I was missing something.
  15. I’ve started framing the port side q gallery and I need some advice before I go any further. I think I need to taper the upper counter in further so it mates up better with the gallery floor piece. What do you think?
  16. I’m now firmly into chapter 3. My upper counter planking went reasonably well, but I’m glad it will be covered up. I chose to leave the window frames natural instead of painting them like some have done. I bought some Testors Grimy Black for the window covers, but I thought it was too light. So I mixed it 50/50 with flat black. I thought that was still too light, until I put it together. Now I think I probably could have gone with the Grimy Black alone. My cap covers came out pretty good except for two that split just a little near the uprights. I haven’t decided whether or not to try to replace them. And lastly, the stern ports are a little out of round, but I’m not done with them.
  17. Beautiful work, JJ. Your moldings look perfect. I have a question for you and I think I know the answer: Is your cellophane "glass" installed in your quarter gallery windows? It's hard to tell, but I think it has to be there by this point. I'm early in chapter 3 and will be starting the Q galleries soon.
  18. I’m sorry about your accident, Stuglo. I hope you heal fast. Be sure to keep it clean. My 10” table saw is the tool I respect the most, so this gives me chills.
  19. I'm going to follow this for sure, Bob! I'm looking forward to seeing this highly anticipated beauty come together.
  20. Well they sure look nice, so I'd say it's worth the effort.
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