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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. congratz John on finishing the Pritt truly a gorgeous model! I'm sure she's already home.......the museum will snatch 'er up fer sure! the rigging looks really sweet
  2. catching up Michael.......you've made some great progress! wish I had the tools to make stanchions like that......they look really nice. it's a good thing you only have to remake a few of the davits.....imagine if you had to redo them all.........whooooo-boy! glad to see the restoration is going well. really something how damage can magnify, when you pick it apart to repair
  3. amazing the amount of detail you've added to the funnels.........they look awesome! you mentioned trimming the vents.......with them tucked inside the model, why would you bother to do it? great job nils.....the funnels will look even better lashed down with the guy wires!
  4. glad to see you've started on your next masterpiece........looks like a very interesting project.
  5. thank you all for the kind comments and all the likes! yes Sam......there should be tiny handles on the wheels. I may try and add something to that effect before I paint it. a lot of the detail was missing........I must study the Masters of Mini. and draw from them thanks John......with an example like that, how could I miss thanks my friend! thanks Bob thanks Patrick........yes, I'm feeling much better. the admiral can tell......I'm eating everything in sight! {forget about the losing weight part earlier........I was just pull'in my own leg! }
  6. very interesting idea for the sails.....as long as you can maintain and keep the wrinkles for the sheet corners, they will look super! those wrinkles add a little extra detail
  7. the dynamic duo! from start to finish, I have to agree that the build time was very well spent........but as I mentioned earlier, a well thought out plan and direction, will hasten a build. they were enjoyable to watch Bob........happy to see you had enough of that window film. congratz to you my friend.....you deserve every accolade for this fine pair of boats.
  8. awesome progress Kees.........love the detail you've put into her:) I had to show the admiral the three of them together..........I am not alone!
  9. it's amazing how your taking the plans and populating the decks..........1D to 3D! {I guess that would be correct to say}. distribution of color, pipes.....engine wells........man! your truly on your way to creating a very complex model.........and at a scale that leaves me in awe! fantastic work
  10. hi all.......just a short note to let you know, I'm still bobb'in in the wake. what I thought was a stomach bug, turned out to be that my lower G.I. got washed out by the antibiotics I took. it hasn't been pleasant, but I'm on my fourth day of pro biotics, and slowly getting my house back in order. thanks for the well wish Patrick, and thanks to all who hit the like button. thanks Jesse.......I hope something will benefit you. I usually go in with an open mind.......something comes to it sooner or later.
  11. as you can see by my posting on a Sunday.......I did not go to work. I'm still battling the effects of the stomach bug. I won't go into too much detail.......distasteful as it is, let's just say, that after two days, I'm back up and running again. the one good day I had did result in a bit of progress........the other day was spent at work on Saturday.......by the end of the day though.......I was hoping that the little blue pill I took, would wear off!. to dress up the pump, I ended up doing a few attempts, bending the shaft to accept the three connecting rods. I had drilled out the cylinders to give them more room. when I had one that was reasonable enough, brass eye bolts were used as connecting rods.....a little tedious to get them all in order. it still needs to be trimmed.......but at least it is now assembled. thanks for your patience.
  12. I had pictures in the camera for this build as well. I did get to dry fit the winch assembly.......and then it was assembled. I put 'er up next to a penny to show just how big it is. the idea I had carried over to the skylight roof parts. I have one of 'em done here. they are both done now. as I figured would happen, there is some minor scratches. I think a coat of lacquer will hide them though. we'll see what happens....the boxes are next, right along with the three holds. I know........I wasn't very kind in my description of the bilge pump. I'll let the diagram speak for itself..... these are the parts that will make up the pump. the first thing will be to drill out the cylinders.....they need a bit more depth and for the mouth to be a bit larger. then, I'll see what I can do about that straight line they call a shaft. ......and they rolled the brass up.......hate it when they do that. I assembled it while I was visiting here today.......fair bit of multi-tasking. I'll show you what I came up with when I get back..........now that I'm back on my feet, I'm not immune to errands anymore. "take care of those you call your own, and keep good company!" >Queen<
  13. I did have two pictures in the camera. in this application, it's too bad there isn't a call for chrome silver.......they would have fit the bill nicely. I'm sure I can use these......hide them in paint or something. I think blackening would be hard, as I'm sure that they are coated with something. if I go back......I'll make sure I have my readers. then I can do a more complete search
  14. thanks Pat and Lawrence........and to those who hit the like button. things started out so well this week.......too bad it came to a screeching halt by Wednesday, with me getting a stomach bug. if anything came from it.......I hope I lost some weight I did make it to Hobby Lobby in search of some more of those shackle looking thingies....too bad I forgot my glasses and couldn't read the packages. it's a good thing the admiral was with me, yet again...........she found some. the ones I had are in antique or bronze.......the ones she found are like a chrome......or even a pearl color. no matter.....I can paint one up to match.......small consolation for not having any at all there might be a picture or two......I need to check the camera to see.....this being the first I've been at my computer, since I got hit with the bug. no Lawrence........we got hit with three bands of snow.......two little bands with the big one in the middle. we were so lucky for the month of January, until now.........February......28 days of hell. add the way I've been feeling into the mix, and it's living up to it's name in spades!
  15. another point to mention, is that during the beginning of the planking, there might not be a need to taper. usually, it doesn't begin to appear, until after the third or fourth row of planking. I go by the straight line method........maintain the straight line. by test fitting planking, you'll see where the taper begins, or the deficit {for which a stealer may need to be used}. beveling the edges, as Pat suggests, will insure that the plank fits snug to the preceding one. I also bevel the tip as it fits to the bow spirit, for a flatter fit there as well. I have an adjustable jig to wet and bend planks......most of the time, I will use them damp, so I can take advantage of the extra spring the strip may have.
  16. hi Jerry..........that's not nutz! I was born and raised out in the sticks.......bumpy roads, dirt roads, and logging roads were how we got around. I miss the farm life.......very demanding and busy........but I still found time to go fishing we'd go to the town dump, where I would pick up old broken bicycles, and from the parts, I'd build my own. one fond memory was my habit of skipping out to go fishing.......I hid a bike at the bottom of the long driveway to our house. seeing my opportunity one day, I dug some worms and skipped off.........only to find that my dad had found my bike and chained it to a tree! he was waiting for me when I came back up....big 'ole smile on his face, and we commenced to digging up the water lines from the well my admiral had the same dream.......we talked about it here and there. I could transfer to a Wal-Mart DC down there, and the only thing left would be to find a place to live. it's still in the dream phase. I wish you well in finding your nirvana.......while it may be a drive to get to places of civilization, the piece of mind you'll receive and the serenity of the land, will more that compensate it I envy you two
  17. I do it that way as well, although I believe you can change the font in the decal maker. I just thumb through them till I saw one I likes. the cool thing is that the font can be bent to a half round or slant, and can be manipulated any way you want. make sure the DPI is adjusted all the way up before you proceed. another way to create it, is to produce the decal using photo shop, and then import it into the decal maker....I've gotten better results getting over the transparency issue. where your placing your decal over a darker background, you may want to use white decal paper and give it a border.
  18. sorry I haven't been in the last couple of days........I came down with a stomach bug. ......I guess that was the mysterious illness that's been going around up in this neck of the woods........the doctor mentioned it to me when I was down with my past illness. of course, I didn't have any of the symptoms then. I did make a little bit of progress....now that I'm back up and running, I will post it shortly you are correct John, this one is a three piston pump. when I post what I've done, I will show you what the diagram of the pump looks like. I'm glad you showed me your pictures.......the diagram doesn't show the piston connecting rods for the pump wells. thank you good sir thank you for the likes
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