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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice work on the planking Augie...... she's got a beautiful figure!! Frank
  2. Cornwall Model Boats have the sizes you'er looking for http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/birch-dowel.html Frank
  3. Nicely done Sjors... she looks fantastic, I know you had a lot of problems with their lack of instructions, but you prevailed, this is a build you can certainly be proud of. Congratulations Sjors!!! Frank
  4. You scratch build guys just amaze me....... I really can't give you any good advice on your build because I don't know that much about scratch building, but what I can say is ,that whatever you'er doing Richard looks very very good !! Will be ckn in from time to time to see your progress. Frank
  5. She's gon'a be a beauty Augie....... nice start on the planking!! Frank
  6. Wow, does that look great ,or what!!.... Superb painting Michael, that is one good looking ship!! Frank
  7. Hey Ron, you don't fool around do you!! Looks like this will be a very impressive build, I understand Occre 's kits are pretty good. Don't forget..... Please don't finish this one before I finish mine :P . Will be ck'n in !! Frank
  8. So sorry to hear of your brothers passing, I know you have a lot of found memories of him which will help you through this sad time. My prayers go out to you and your family. God bless! Frank
  9. Well........ I see you're at again!!! THREE ships this time.... you are really amazing!! Popeye... sorry to read about your moving nightmare, but like Michael said, things always turn out for the best....... oh yeah........stop your sanding in the living room :D Frank
  10. nice work as always Danny.... really like the color of your deck!! Frank
  11. Hey John real nice work on the wheel house, looks just great!.... looking forward to see how you handle the skylight, that will definitely enhance your deck work Frank
  12. Looks real good!! Adam, you're right , once its all painted up no one will no the difference, My Supply was messed up at the bow, but painted up I'm the only one who knows :D . It's all a learning experience!! ( that's what I keep telling myself) Frank
  13. Hi Doug, I did use the supplied 1.25 rope that came with the kit (1 meter)and blackened it. I had also purchased some Morope that I put to use also. The 1.25 rope was separate from the anchor rope . I didn't use the supplied anchor rope, it was too thick. I used some morope. Thanks Doug for your concern, I was feeling pretty good when I got out of the hospital, but now I'm fighting a cold, man I hate colds Frank
  14. HI Andy ,just was ck'n in and saw the sad news, my sympathy goes out to you and your family, take care . Frank
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