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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Where's the pictures on the split screen? Who else was nominated? Was there a fist fight in the audience when the winner was announced? So, we need to see the award... And hear the speech...
  2. Sweet work, Patrick. Should we send you a Caterpillar D9 so you can scale the engine down? Yeah, I know.. wrong engine.
  3. No forks, Chuck. If you're going to cause pain, use a spoon.. a rusty one. I really don't see anyway you could increase production as those are things that really can't be automated.
  4. Looking very grand, Bill. Her real story is just as amazing as your build.
  5. Joss, That seems to be the way a lot the detail-oriented scratch builders are doing it. I think I have seen one or two that actually clenched the bolts but most just do a bit over-sized.
  6. Gregor, Try tapering the planks so they fit into the rabbet. I've done that, it works well and no one can tell that's what you did.
  7. I've used pieces of the plastic wrap one uses for bowls, etc. Cover the opening and press it into the threads on the bottle then put the cap on. Seems to work but I don't use paint much so I'm not sure of the longevity.
  8. Rats... I missed that about the Halve Moon. I'm sorry to hear it. I hope Anja will think about another model as she has a talent for these ships.
  9. Yeah..it's interesting on that story.. the "claimers" said that when the ship went through it's "repair" in 1854, that they changed the stern and length and also "improved" the lines. One of the things I learned was that they stole and modified or replaced the drawing in the national archives. Where the originals of her went, no one seemed to have knowledge of. The square stern was documented in notes by the designer as it was similar to Constitution's. Also there's several paintings that show this. I serously wish AL would go back and rework this kit to reflect the actual Constellation as it sits now, not as it sat about 40 years ago or more. Not that hard, the hull is right. It would just be a matter of tweaking the weather deck and getting rid of those Star Wars like cannon.
  10. An appreciative Admiral is worth their weight in gold, Popeye. I'm looking forward to the update.
  11. If that holds overnight, the ship will never, ever come off the stand. I like the scientific approach also.
  12. Try E-Bay, then. I Googled for the Soliel Royal and here's the hits: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=soleil%20royale%20model%20ship A lot of them out there. You need to remember that for the finer conditions, build-quality, etc., you'll pay more because of the time that goes into building one.
  13. I found the whole affair fascinating, Mike. It's a pity that there's no plans available for the actual frigate as it would neat to have the 1797 and the 1854 models displayed together.
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