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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Jan, Was Wayne's answer correct or.... someone else's?
  2. I appeciate all the input even though I don't have the saw in question (it's on my Christmas wish list). Very useful information.
  3. Only 50-50? I must have done something wrong then. My scrapbox ate about 75% of my frames from this project.
  4. I'll be here also... popcorn anyone while we wait?
  5. Bob, Russ is right. You call also send him a PM with your request for access.
  6. Pete, Those are some lovely frames. Nice and exact work on the treenailing.
  7. Sorry to hear about the family... hope all recover quickly. Lovely work with the scroll saw. New isn't always better and that old saw cuts very nicely. Are you sure you've never scratchbuilt a ship before?
  8. Just incredible. I disappear for a bit and shazam... art. Amazing deadeyes and chainplates.
  9. TomShipModel, Best way is start a build log. Put as much or as little as you like to bring us up to date and then carry on from there.
  10. Which end, Rebecca? If it's the exposed, wider side, then after planking use a small homemade sanding block. Or use scrapers. If it's the narrow "edge" that butts the next plank, again a sanding stick (or emory board) and just take off the roughness.
  11. Bob, Ditto what the others said. That keel looks great.
  12. I think I just found a bug... My Win7 PC was "updated" (thanks Microsloth) to IE 10... now pictures don't upload. I'm rolling back to IE9. Edit: Rolled back... IE9 is also freezing when uploading pictures.
  13. Very impressive Dusty. Amazing what one can do on a budget. I take it you carved the figurehead? BTW, I notice some battlestations and the stern of another ship in a picture. You've been building ships for awhile, I take it.
  14. Alexandru, Lovely work. As for the picture order... after "attaching", go here and do Step 5. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/540-how-to-add-pictures-in-your-posts-and-pms/ They will post in the order that you click "Add to Post".
  15. Looks very well done. I can't wait to see the finish on it. The lines just scream "speed"!!!!
  16. Uh-oh... drums along the Mohawk and all that. I hear the call..."darkside...darkside". Robbyn, when it hit's, it hits. No one can talk you into it or (worse) out of it. Been there, done that, have sawdust all over the place.
  17. Cool. Happy to hear it was just the blade... or maybe some rogue sap. We wait for your pictures...
  18. ok.. sounds like new blade time.. One quick thought.. is there any blade wobble?
  19. Man, that is one big model. I hope you have a crane and a trailer to move it. It looks fantastic.
  20. If the blade is still sharp, and it might not be considering what you've used it on, I've found that wipe over the blade and teeth with some acetone followed by some Pledge helps.
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