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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. <fingers crossed for you> Life is stressful enough and then when the hammer falls, it's our hobbies and those who care about us that give us hope and relief from the stress. Looking forward to seeing the guns all put together.
  2. Nice looking yards, Augie. Hopefully the snow has passed you by so you can work on the yards instead of in the yard.
  3. I'm wondering about the "normal" comment also. You've done a fantastic job on both of these Denis. Think about how they would have come out if you were anyone but you? The details make them look like two totally different boats from different kits. Wonderful work... just wonderful.
  4. Mobbsie, you are flying along at warp speed and doing a super job. I too await your next update.
  5. Hi Frank, Good to see you back. Don't rush things. When the time it right, you'll get everything tied off.
  6. Hi Anja, I'm very happy to hear that your job situation settled down. Hopefully your blood pressure and stress level have calmed also.
  7. Gil, Your excellent work on the rigging continues. Just wonderful to see. I hope all went well (or will go well) with your wife's surgery. I'm playing catch up on MSW as my wife just had a shoulder replacement.
  8. Congratulations on launching her. Looks really great in her new home. I'll bet your workbench looks strange now that it's empty.
  9. Michael, Beautiful metalwork and mostly by hand no less. I'll be that was both relaxing and fun.
  10. Fascinating as always, Gary. Just curious.. how difficult was it to get both sides the same? Or was it a function of close and not exactly the same?
  11. Gary, Sorry for not responding quicker. Not been online much this past week. The cannon I've made were all from brass. I use a 1/8" cutter that's narrowed by grinding to about 1/32" for all of the barrel except for the muzzle swell and the casabel. For those I have cutters that have been ground to match those bits. HSS is easily ground, just don't let it go to "red" when grinding. A cup of water for quenching/cooling is good idea. The Little Machine Shop has a good tutorial on Lathes and also the grinding of tooling: http://littlemachineshop.com/Info/MiniLatheUsersGuide.pdf Peruse the rest of that site as it's very informative.
  12. Michael, I think you just solved the "biggie" issue for me. My saw has no overhang and I was trying to figure out how to set this thing up with zero-play. Now to convince my wallet that I need to buy some taps.
  13. Daniel, A "full-size" saw won't work for what we do. Look at the Byrnes, Micromark, and Proxxons. Those tools are made for modeling.
  14. Beautiful chairs. Well done and thank you for sharing your pictures.
  15. Excellent choice. Hope to see your build log.
  16. Sorry Sokrates. Looks like no one has. Do you want to be the first?
  17. Phil, I went from the Scottish Maid to the BB Wasa. One heckuva step. However, if one is motivated, one can do anything. Pick something that interests you and will hold your attention. Once you've picked something, research the blue blazes out of it here and on other sites. If it still holds your interest and you feel the urge to go with it... open a build log and build it. You'll have two things going for you: 1) a ship that moves you, and 2) us, helping and encouraging you. On second thought.. pick 3 and then then research. Ask questions, get answers. Let the list shrink on it's own.
  18. Yes, you are just like the rest of us. I think most if not all of us, sit at work, or in the car, or somewhere and think, plan, and mentally build our models.
  19. Robert, You're doing a fantastic job on this ship. We are our own worse critics.
  20. Peter, She's sweet looking boat. Your added touch of the rubbing strake is wonderful.
  21. Nice work on the planking. Being bounced from the kitchen isn't a bad thing. I've been tossed from the bed, the bedroom, the kitchen, the dining room. I now have a dedicated workshop which wouldn't have happened if the Admiral hadn't tossed my building from the other rooms. :)
  22. I think we've all been doing that lately. Hard to tell which is Gil's and which is the real one.
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