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Blue Pilot

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Everything posted by Blue Pilot

  1. I was wondering if you mounted all the side templates on thin wood or cardboard? I am going to the printer today to get extra copies of the plans. My next step is to make these. I am wondering if cardboard is fine or if its worth the time to mount them all on 1/16 plywood?
  2. I wouldn't worry about the error. We are all super critical of our own work and when your ship is complete it will disappear into all the other details. We can drive ourselves nuts being supper critical of our own work. I have learned somethings are worth fixing even if it means back tracking but sometimes you also have to learn when to say that's good enough. Otherwise, we would never finish! I think you are off to a great start and welcome to the nut house
  3. I have fond memories of my first model the Yankee Clipper. Putting the primer on really will help show any imperfections in your hull shape. Just sand or putty as needed and another coat of primer. You are doing great!
  4. I just placed my order. Looking forward to this, I am sure I will learn a lot. Now I need to clean the garage and set up a place to work.
  5. I am coming to the party late but it looks great. Great log and an entertaining read. Cheers!
  6. This is a very interesting ship it will be a great model when you finish her.
  7. Beautiful work. You may just get me motivated to get back to work on my POB II
  8. Hi Karl. I haven't worked on the POB II in a long time. I kind of drifted out of the hobby but I always seem to drift back in. My Pride took a bit of a tumble and got boxed away with my other models and tools but I hope to dust things off soon. I am focused now on cleaning up the garage enough so I can set up some kind of a place to work again. The problem with the stern as I recall is a common one your reasoning sounds logical. part of it could be the kit but it is a poor craftsman that blames his tools. I am sure I am at fault. That said part of the fun and frustration of this hobby is finding and fixing these kind of issues. As you probably have found there are some other a few other logs on the POB II here. I wish you well its a beautiful ship.
  9. Ok Toni I am in. I will get a kit ordered and start a log...........here I go again 😀. It looks like a fun and educational project.
  10. That is a beautiful ship. I have looked at that in BJ catalog many times. I think I will pull up a chair on this one. Interesting discussion on the bulwarks. I will have to make the same decision on my Smuggler build. I am trying to decide how best to make templates. Your idea looks brilliant! I don't have the computer skills to do the same. My power point skills begin and end with watch slideshow.
  11. I just read through your entire log, beautiful work. Thanks for sharing it was fun to read.
  12. Just now getting to your log. Beautiful work. I love the detail and she looks lovely.
  13. Just now getting to your log. Beautiful work. I love the detail and she looks lovely.
  14. Your work is so clean and exact. I keep finding my self pulled back into this log. This will be a beautiful ship. I am so tempted to jump in. I only hesitate due to the fact I have two builds started and two other kits collecting dust and my life causes me to drift in and out of model ship building like the tide. What really is appealing to me is the way you are doing this. I admire the work of Masters like you and others on this forum. When I look at some of the build logs on MSW I often think, I wish I could build a ship with that level of craftsmanship. The closer I look at this log the more I believe you are really paving a way for others to learn and bring their skills to the next level. Not only is the kit superb and provides a solid foundation but your log and teaching style provides the guidance a novices like myself would need. I know form the many enjoyable hours I have spent reading a number of your build logs over the years that is not an accident but by design. My hats off to you Sir!
  15. Thanks for this great project. I think I may order one. I have always wanted to do a half hull and I still have so much to learn about planking. I wonder if there would be any interest in this being a group project . It seems like this could be a great option for beginners or first time molders in addition to people like me are novices and looking to improve skills and knowledge.
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