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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Jerry, Very nice figure. Please keep the pictures coming. I enjoying watching what you doing, excellent work.
  2. druxey, I like that idea of your, never though of using a damp brush to pick up saw dust and other small crap. Nice idea, Thank you.
  3. Someone will give you that information, I am not the best one to answer that, there are people here that have a heck of a lot more experience than I do to answer that.
  4. I have always said that this site is like one big family affair. If people could get along like the people of this forum does the world would be a nicer place to live in. It doesn't matter where your from or what your believe in on this forum. To bad other people in this world couldn't get along like people do here. But this is just my 2 cents.
  5. Try and make sure the saw you get can use pin-less blades, this way you have a bigger choice of the different types of blades that you can buy for the saw.
  6. Toni, Your have turn wood into something of Beauty, keep the pictures coming.
  7. She has turn from a piece of wood into a Beautiful looking ship. Excellent work. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.
  8. Maybe be a Scroll Saw or a Band Saw. Sometimes wishes due come true.
  9. Andy, I just have to say I ready to like that picture. Keep the pictures of the build coming.
  10. KOoky, Welcome to the forum. I will be watching for updates of your build. I enjoy seeing the M198 Howitzer. Keep the pictures coming. And Thank you for the link, I have been there before.
  11. Now that is some Beautiful detail work, I love it. Thanks for posting as to how you are doing this. Keep the pictures coming.
  12. Jim, Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. One of these days I am going to give it a try and see what happens, but like you say it is limited to only 2mb now that might be a problem. Thank you.
  13. I agree with Mark, the lower power lights look real good. This is an interesting tread and I am enjoying the way you are testing everything and showing us the how they work out. I will be waiting for the next test to be shown.
  14. Thank you Jim. Will that also work if you have a video on your hard drive that you made?
  15. Excellent work on the detail. It is beautiful. Keep the pictures coming.
  16. Very nice work Dan. I enjoy watching this post because you walk the work through for everyone to see. Keep the pictures coming. I have learn a lot from you and know I will learn more.
  17. That is Beautiful. Love the detail. Keep the pictures coming.
  18. Now that is one beautiful stove. Excellent work. Keep the pictures coming.
  19. Jim, That is a question I often though about, but also like you I don't have any idea of how to do it. So I will be watching for the answer along with you.
  20. You can get different size needles and then use the size needed, at least in the US you can. Not sure what the laws are for different countries, so you might not be able to have different size sent to you in the mail.
  21. Excellent work as we all expect from you. And Thank you very much for the walk through as to how to do it, and yes this is something to remember as it will work for other projects. Thanks again.
  22. Kevin, Looking very nice. Your getting there a little at a time. Keep the pictures coming.
  23. Hank, Wish you the best and will be waiting for your update.
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