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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. good to see that you are progressing well Nenad. yes sometimes we need the sanctuary of our workspace. Michael
  2. Wonderful metalwork, My question is what silver solder and flux are you using.? Michael
  3. B.E. Thanks for stopping by glad you like the boat. Bob, the thought of taking down the mast when I want to go sailing would be more work than on the Maria. Mark, the leather work is challenging to say the least. Michael
  4. Mario what a wonderful project, I have always loved these types of launches they just simply exude leisure. yours looks wonderful, the small details add so much. Michael
  5. Brian, thanks for stopping by, I am sure that I would not have the patience to make something with more than one mast. Druxey the short answer is no, that said I am a glutton for punishment when it comes to solving a problem, it is why I have such a large scrap box(es). Made me laugh Popeye. In between some of the myriad projects that I seem to have on the go I found a frame with some wheels at the dump, it is from a child's bicycle carriage, and after straightening it up and pumping up the tires I measured it up and I have the foundation for the transport trolley. the wheels are 15 1/2 inches in diameter. I will make it so that there is some springing on the undercarriage so that the rather rough road gets compensated for. It will need a few bits of wood added and will need some mudguards, but I have a few bikes that I have collected from the same place so it will be great to get the trolley sorted now that I have the basic frame. Michael
  6. Doris, your work is that of a true Master!! It is difficult to comprehend that it is mostly card and foils. Congratulations also on your birthday. Michael
  7. Andy, thanks I did a little experiment this evening. Russ I am going to use Lignum Vitae parrel beads on a line. The experiment looks promising, I think that i prefer the light colour leather better. it was from an old wallet. The light leather was sewn in situ but I used way too heavy a thread, the dark leather from a ladies leather dress (Great source for very fine thin leather) I picked up at a second hand store some time ago for $10 to make some leather seats for a model coach, was sewn off the wood like a finger for a glove. If I decide to add the leather I might glue it on first then I can create a neat seam. and also add some tacks along the side of the spar. Michael
  8. Mark that might be true but I am sure that there are lots of details that you builders of fully rigged ships add that I would not. John thanks for that. Russ thanks, your own restoration work and attention to detail and research have given me inspiration. Druxey you are absolutely right the hard knocks of being a working boat will no doubt take its toll. Andy Busted! I told Gulliver it would be found out one day. Greg thank you. The proof will be in the pudding as they say. Jaerschen, thanks Like everyone here I am always looking to do a better job on the next piece. I don't think I could say itany better myself! Beautiful! Posted 20 June 2013 - 08:10 PM JMaitriMichael, I'm totally blown away by your work--you sir, are a master craftsman and then more! Jay Jay and Sherry thanks you for those kind words. Last night and today I did a little bit of woodwork on the gaff. I had already planed up the spar and so the jaws were cut out of a piece of Apple wood that I have had kicking around for a while now. I started to fret it out with the coping saw and discovered that it was tougher than cutting brass, so I dragged out the scroll saw(I don't really like using it )and put in a brand new blade and still struggled with the apple. Then a lot of work with a coarse sanding stick to rough shape them. then planed a couple of flats on the sides of the spar and glued on the apple rough shapes. After the jaws had glued overnight I set about doing the final shaping, using some small carving chisels and the #11 blade A couple of hours later I did some final sanding and then a good rub down with some fine steel wool, and a coat of golden oak polyurethane. Next I need to cut the slot for the Tumbler and fit the throat halliard attachment and the parrel beads. I will use Lignum vitae for the beads, I also need to add the through bolts for securing the jaws to the spar.. I am torn whether to add the leather over the jaws because I like the look of the apple. But some fine leather stitched might look pretty as well. Perhaps I will do an experiment with some leather on a bit of scrap and see how it looks. Michael
  9. Great to see how you overcame the limits of your Machine. One of the great things about sharing how we work, it gives the rest of us inspiration to try new ways. Michael
  10. Gary the incredible amount of detail that your are putting into the interior I hope that you can see it as you work on the upper levels it seems that it would be sad not to be able to see it later. Beautiful workmanship needs to be seen, Although to quote Ruskin and I am paraphrasing here "Just because something is out of sight doesn't mean that you should do any less quality work on it" Michael
  11. Rekon, I just stared at those sets of pulleys in the posts and the fittings, and shook my head!! inspiring work that gives me a mark to climb to. Michael
  12. Russ the single piece looks like you nailed the shape well, with regards to the grain which I can see would it be possible to give it a coarse sanding to simulate the grain along the portion near the bow and then a finer sanding to smooth it just enough to leave some of the (grain) scratches in and as B.E. suggested fake in some scarph joints. Just a thought. Michael
  13. Nenad, overall our time is what we make of it, it is good to see that you are progressing with the hull planking, this is like building the foundation of a house when the hull is finished then you can lavish over the small details of the rigging. Michael
  14. Alex great to get your input on this issue. Experience counts! I have none with regards to the small machines, so your perspective is really enlightening. Michael
  15. Matt missed you on the last post sorry about that. Daniel, John, Russ, and Druxey, thanks for all you kind words, at the rate I'm going I sometimes wonder when it will get to the lake. Today I managed to get enough time in to make a double block with a Becket. The sheaves are .375 diameter and the axle is .062, the brass is .125 x .031 I remembered a quote that one should treat every part as model in itself and this seems to work well for me. Machined up a block of Degame (lemon-wood) Did a lot of sanding and finishing with some fine steel wool. Made a pin for the Becket. the ring is .011 music wire. Set it up on the mast with the other double block to see how it looks for the Gaff up-haul, I just used the weight from the ropewalk to give some body to the rope. I must finish those seizings on the shrouds. The blocks work well together, this is a lot of fun, I need to get on and finish the gaff now, and of course there will be a few more blocks but the next few will be singles. Michael
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