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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Years ago when RCHTA had it show here there were was an outfit selling laser cutters. Nice stuff but limited in size and th price was a little steep. I thought it was interesting and fun to watch. David B
  2. Marvelous it is a work of art. You did a fantastic job on her. David B
  3. The easiest way to do the frames. The only drawback is going to the trouble of making a half hull then the pain of slicing it up. I have always liked the look of a half hull. You are doing it the traditional way. This should prove to be an interesting build log. David B
  4. Nicely done Daniel. From the photos it looks like he genuine article. Your rigging is first rate. I like the way you did your flag as well. David B
  5. Extreme is the word. I have seen the Iowa Class at 1/96 and it is huge big enough or RC but difficult to move around. David B
  6. I did what you did but built it up and sanded to the angle and shape that as needed. Once I was fully satisfied I proceeded to plank it. The transom is a pain but an integral part of the model. David B
  7. I came across a log o a guy who is doing the New Jersey at 1/72 for RC. And the attention to detail is amazing. But I lost the Url will try to find it and give it out. The thing is huge. He is going to need a long trailer to take it to the pond. David B
  8. Gaetan do you hire carpenter ants for this fine workmanship? Marvelous. David B
  9. I agree with CC your patience is and attention to detail is astonishing. David B
  10. I pray that your biopsy comes up clean. What do they think you have. If it was not for my health insurance my fight would have cost me a half a million dollars. When I was at the Hope Lodge my heart went out to those who lost their ins and had to have medicare. They were alway doing battle every time they went to the hospital. My Dr. is one of the leading experts on my form of cancer and made me go through a two stage transplant. Medicare will only let them do one stage saying the second stage is not necessary. May god bless you and help you along. David B
  11. Wish I could go this year but unfortunately with my medical problems I will not be able to sounds like a great time to be had. I hope you get a sell out and have a great time. David B
  12. You are doing fine. As for the stern try making a male female mold. Then boil or steam your planks and put them in the mold and clamp it when dry they should fit your curve without snapping. David B
  13. Sweet looks look like polished glass. The only problem you have now is that you will have to wear white gloves so you do not mar that beautiful finish. David B
  14. Nenad I have the number for a place with a padded cell and comfortable straight jackets. Do you want me to give them a call? Excellent work your chain looks great. David B
  15. If you have seen the photo I posted of my Latham I worked on that transom for abut two weeks before I was happy with it. Bully for you go on with the build but leave you self the option to redo a nasty area for getting the right look. Good luck. I am sure you will get it right the next time you take it off the back burner, David B
  16. Patrick, your model is a work of art. Everytime I see it and other miniatures I say god has blessed you with delicate fingers, steady hands, good eyesight and a ton of patience. Makes me want to throw my hat into the ring. David B
  17. I scratch built it and remember the transom was difficult I might be able to help you. What are you having trouble with. David B
  18. Your boats look great and are complete models in themselves. David B
  19. Depending on thee size you can fudge the threads I think. But it would be nice to have them threaded to add to the look. David B
  20. This should prove to be an interesting build making the hull the way you intend should prove to be a learning experience for all. David B
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