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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. The stove and another fitting are on: The other fitting needs some paint, but it’s too small to paint off the model. I’d lose it. In other news, I painted another sloth figure for the Admiral: This one is a cleric. They are all 1:48-1:56 scale. And in Solferino related news, I’m thinking that when I get to that stage and test build a cannon, I might just carve them all. If I think it will look better. Carving cannons isn’t particularly difficult, it’s just time consuming (like everything in this hobby). It’s also very relaxing to me (also like everything else in this hobby).
  2. Just remember paper is cheap and easy to obtain. You can always make some out of paper and if you don’t like them, you can always make wood ones. If you look at my Victory build, I used paper gratings on a modified Mantua kit. Your’s look a lot nicer than mine did.
  3. Life is really busy right now so all hobby work has slowed to a crawl. The stove is cleaned up and edge painted. Plus, I started another fitting that sits next to it. Completely not ship related, but I enjoy painting miniature figures. The Admiral really likes sloths. I found a set of 28mm DnD sloth figures from Dark Sword Miniatures. The Admiral asked me to buy some of them and paint them for her. So, I bought her 3 of them. Here’s the first one:
  4. Kevin, Yes, a new thread would provide clarity. I’m looking forward to it!
  5. I would personally choose the Model Shipways kit if I were going to build the Rattlesnake from a kit. They will replace any part that is defective or otherwise breaks for free, no questions asked. Although, I would choose the SI plans for accuracy.
  6. Making progress: Here is the galley stove: It is tiny! The plans call for the galley to be located on the upper gun deck, so I didn’t draw this piece up on the plans for Magenta.
  7. Steven, Henry Grace a Dieu is looking phenomenal. What’s the wood grain orientation on the dead eyes that are holding? At that size, that would become a factor. Also, I’ve used thin CA on small wood parts to shore them up before.
  8. Progress has been very slow because life has been very busy. The ship’s wheel needs sealed in place. The frame for the ladder aft of the blockhouse needs edge painted, sealed and glued down. The other frames need their inside trim pieces cut out and installed.
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