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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Looking really good Jason. Yep agree with your interpretation of British naval practice for the aft to forward direction, but according to my info, the plates overlapped by 1.5" on the upper and after edges. This method/system resulted with the overlap of the plates on the trailing end/edge (much like fish scales as suggested above). The purpose for the upper edge overlap is so that when the ship ploughed down into a wave there would be less resistance on the leading edge of the plate (less pressure in the vertical dimension = less chance of separation). cheers Pat
  2. Looking good Dave. I used .25mm on mine as it wrapped around the ring better. cheers Pat
  3. A belated happy Birthday "young" fella I hope you had a wonderful day (and spoiled rotten). Oh, and the railings and rooftop look very grand; a great fit! cheers Pat
  4. Incredible detail at that scale mate; you'll be trying out with a grain of rice before long cheers Pat
  5. That's a bit of a 'rum' (odd) deal on the Admiralty paint Glenn; a bit greedy of them packaging it like you say. I could get it (well I haven't tried for a while) as individual bottles no problems her, but not worth you effort as the postage from here would kill off any savings even if you did go with it. The Ronan flake white looks good though and the lighter coating (wash) helps show the details very well. cheers Pat
  6. You don't muck around with these builds do you Greg! This will be a great looking model. cheers Pat
  7. Very nice rework; better to fix now then try to live with the consequences later cheers Pat
  8. Stunning detail and quality Glenn. Druxey, more to the point I bet those lock sets are fully functioning really nice turning detail at that scale. cheers Pat
  9. O boy, am I the poorer for not looking into this build earlier Antony; beautiful work! A very interesting subject, and excellent execution especially noting you have built from photographs and scant information. cheers Pat
  10. Very nice work Dave, they look terrific. Some very nice workmanship there! cheers Pat
  11. That is some very outstanding workmanship and a beautiful model Gaetan cheers Pat
  12. Very nice Ron, you can be justifiably proud of this achievement. cheers Pat
  13. Ah the fix of the weekly update. Simply stunning work Glenn. That is some very clean, crisp and well executed joinery. cheers Pat
  14. Great to see this update Ben, coming along nicely. cheers Pat
  15. Beautiful joinery Greg, that is another very fine model in the making. cheers Pat
  16. Thanks Popeye and John. Managed to fix one of the yards (stunsail booms but not the other yet ). Thanks for the compliment John, coming from you it is much appreciated. cheers Pat
  17. Impressive work, especially at this scale Piet. cheers Pat
  18. Your riggers have been very busy Dave; nice work - double rum ration for them i would suggest! cheers pat
  19. I thought you needed a few more beers to celebrate this lovely model. cheers Pat
  20. Very nice Greg, those armour bands came up very well indeed. cheers Pat
  21. Hi, are the clips I use as shown here what you are after. These come in various sizes and available at electronics stores and the like (as Geoff/Aussie posted). I find them very handy as they are easy to use and very light but grip strongly. Just take care if you have pre-wetted the line with diluted glue as it may develop a kink. cheers Pat
  22. Hi Mark and Druxey, why would the lead lining go so high, especially if the railings are open - no way to use it as a cistern unless the lining went up the same height against the rails also? If a storage area, it might have been a wood lining to prevent minor damage but I would have thought the ship's side would have been sufficient for that? Just my two cent's for what it is worth cheers Pat
  23. That looks a lot better Dashi; that looks pretty close by eye. You must have had a lot of fun measuring that gnat's whisker cheers Pat
  24. Very nice work Dashi; that looks great! I like the arrangement for the boomkins and seats of easement. I have not done the latter yet as I was still trying to ascertain the most likely arrangement - I think I will copy-cat from you (if you don't mind ) cheers Pat
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