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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Your metalwork makes one do a double-take. With your photography and eye for detail, it could be the real thing. Druxey beat me to the question about he soldering mat....
  2. Looking great, Beyond excellent, Bob. Next time you do a cross-section, build two. One fully planked and fitted out and the other just in frame. I go quietly now... there's man with a big butterfly net and white coat with extra-extra long sleeves waiting for me.
  3. Robbyn, Well done on the rework. I think we all knew that was coming. Yeah.. the darkside has you in it's grip. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Auctions are sometimes great. Usually not for things like antiques, or power tools, though. I did see a local yard sale that did have some very good prices on power tools recently but again, that's rare.
  4. Piet, Good to see that you have returned and all is well. As for the ports... leave them square and lid-less. I agree with #1 opening the door and inviting Murphy into the workshop. #2... seldom done.
  5. Nenad, I think all of us go through what you are going through.... Is it good enough? Can I do better? Start over? Continue? Questions. Questions. No answers. Sometimes we start over, other times we carry on. And there's never enough hours to do what we want. I'm right there with you in pondering all this.
  6. Hmm.... fascinating work with the gaff and leather. The trolley intriques me. Will we be seeing a 1/8 scale truck to tow it with? Enquiring minds and all that.....
  7. Bob, Isn't half the fun re-learning what we forgot since we don't know that we forgot it? Nice job on the framing and planking.
  8. Doris, I'm sorry this is late: You Royal Caroline and Royal William are astounding. I love seeing your work as it's very inspiring.
  9. Transformer???? Micromark's just plugs into the wall socket (mains). One speed and one speed only. So far, it's been a blessing and saved my fingers hours of sanding decks and the ceiling. And, yes, it if died tomorrow I'd be ordering another one.
  10. Bob, Good to hear you're still with us. Don't worry about pictures.. just work it in your head until the doc says it's okay to go to the bench.
  11. Don, I think that might be an apples and oranges kind of comparison or not. Toss a coin? Or maybe between Naiad and TFFM... still toss a coin. Euryalus and either of those.... toss a coin again. They all are excellent. The question is "what are you seeking?". Disclaimer: I have all the books I mentioned and they all are suitable. Even Hahn's Ships of the American Revolution, in my opinion.
  12. Don, Frolich does a lot of explaining how he does things. Not just with text but with pictures. I'd say it's for anyone who loves ship models and for any level of builder.
  13. Hmm... I guess I stand corrected on the rigging plan. Question is, who's is correct? Where did Chappelle and the others get their info? I curious.....
  14. Grant, A very lovely ship's boat. You've raised the bar on us... Well done!
  15. Christian, Good to see you back. You were missed. Excellent work on both builds... the full-size and the model.
  16. Kevin, We take time off from this hobby to do things important. Rememberances are very important. But now that you're back into the build... great balls of fire... looks fantastic.
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