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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Kevin, I stand with John on your underestimation. The sternwork is great! The cutter is a bit worse for wear but hey... tell people it was left over from the previous war.
  2. Jay, Leaving in the morning? And the Admiral let you work on your Conny instead of re-packing everything?
  3. Adrieke, I think we all feel that way a lot more than any of care to admit. I sometimes think maybe each kit or scratchbuild should be done in duplicate. The first one to make all the mistakes on and the second is the 'golden' one.
  4. Andy, It's those comments that send us all running to the workshop/boatyard with an "oh my god".... Sometimes it's followed by a "crap" and other times by a "whew". I think this is one of those things for chalking it up to "learning". Your shrouds, lanyards and deadeyes look great to me.
  5. The French frigates, and I'm not sure about other French ships, used a variation of the elm tree pump that the English used. It involved an hourglass shape at the top of the pump shaft to which weights were secured. This hourglass was then tied off and ran up to a lever on a post or mast. See video for the L'Hermione replica's pump in action. My question is simple yet... I'm not sure of the answer. Would the pump shaft have been metal or wood? What about the hourglass shape? It appears to have been wood.
  6. Since Wayne took that hat, I think I'll sit here and be in awe. That's a lot of planking to be appreciated before it's covered in copper. Almost a sin to do that.
  7. Popeye.. this one is for your crew. Since I agitated Augie's build, thought I'd pop one on yours... need to spread the music.
  8. Lookin' good Augie. Somehow, I think you need to play this: I'll get me hat and go quietly now.
  9. Buck, I'm thinking just about where you have it in the second photo, maybe a tad less. And yes, the lift strap showing out the top of the case. I think it depends on what you are using for a display stand.
  10. Michael, Just an amazing build. Astounding actually. You've captured the details and brought the ship to life.
  11. Looking good, Piet. I imagine that once that 'glass sets up, there will be no give, twisting or bending of that hull.
  12. Hi Buck, Beautiful work on the planking. And a great "how-to" on making the slot. I'm with the others, just a hint of the centerboard to draw interest and show that it's there.
  13. Popeye, Very nicely done. The coils look great as does everything else. Looks like in another day or two, this build will be ready for the display shelf.
  14. Sjors, Nice work on the shrouds and lanyards. Danny gave great advice. What with his advice and EdTs/Grant's jig, you're doing great.
  15. Wow.. two builds for the price one admission. You're taking after Popeye's method you know. Should be an interesting build.
  16. John, We used to have an RV. I did a lot of work on her in the motorhome. The secret is to stay in the RV and read a book or watch TV. At some point after a day or so, you'll get "why don't you go work on your model outside"... I also found that sitting outside working on it, even bits and pieces was a conversation starter with the folks in the campground.
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