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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. 1 hour ago, realworkingsailor said:

    I doubt the ship was dry docked for that amount of time. That would cost a fortune, and cost the commercial shipyard a lot of lost business having a dock occupied for that amount of time. Tied up at a lay-by berth is what they’re referring to.

    Modern dock supports are steel with wood bolsters bolted in place on top.
    I did read that there were high winds at the time the ship was knocked off the blocks so it’s possible that either the blocks were not in the right place, or the ship shifted during the pump out and didn’t land correctly on the blocks. I wouldn’t speculate any further until the MAIB or whichever investigation authority is overseeing this incident, publishes its report.



    from the photo she looks quite cleans so possibly flooding up, and caught by the gusting winds

  2. 15 minutes ago, Oboship said:

    Gee, that is lightspeed!

    You are not in a speed competition with James? 😉

    I'm enjoying this build log!



    good evening Uwe, no race, if i dont have any DIY jobs, dog walking or gardening, or playing Hogwarts Legacy on the PC then i do my boat, it will slow down. but at present im enjoying it, 

  3. good evening everyone, the boi is very tired today, but is happy eating and woofing


    day 23

    thank you for the comments and likes


    busy day in the mancave

    quarter galleries made up, not being fixed to the hull at this stage, but as an alignment aid



    the stern builds up but only to fit one piece for now


    and here it is the two above pices are for now soley to align this up, once happy a pencil line is drawn under it and the wood from the tuck is removed



    once dry, outside in the sunshine for sanding


    gunports squared off and first of many red coats going on, 


    god im loving this build, and only another years worth of her left





  4. 47 minutes ago, Glenn-UK said:

    Well done on completing this milestone, the planking looks good. On your second photo did you add a stealer at the bottom of the garboard plank?


    When I was looking at the garboard plank requirements I thought it would be benifical to add one at the bow end.


    Goog news with the vet visit

    both sides are not symmetrical, so yes i did. its no big deal though, i a weeks time its going to get covered over again lol 

  5. good evening everyone


    first of all thankyou for the comments wrt the the boi, he attended the vets today, and was put under, whilst they did xrays on his teeth and biopsies on his gums, on inspection they do not believe it to be anything nasty, but the results will be back in a week, no teeth were required to be removed, 


    build day day 22 1st planking completed

    a bit messy in places but it went without any real issues, tomorrow is set aside and get some sanding done









  6. 35 minutes ago, Blue Ensign said:

    Fingers crossed for a quick recovery for your boy, the hours surely do drag when they're at the Vets for a procedure.


    Some progress that Kevin, I'm still on page one of your log.



    just enjoy it BE, i dont work,  i put in as much or as little time on the build as i want, plus playing Hogwarts Legacy on the PC

  7. good evening everyone,

    thank you for comments and likes


    day 21 1st planking port side complete


    i needed to fair the parts 29 on the stern post, so i then continued with a rough grit sanding pad and gave the hull a once over, i was real happy with how it turned out, no where ready for the top coat though

    i am about an hours work from completing the stbd side, will try and finish that tomorrow, but the boi is in for an operation at the vets, so i might be to stressy for that






  8. good evening everyone


    day 20 1st planking


    the bow is 1st planked, - absolutely nothing special, but will serve as a good foundation for the 2nd layer, i look forward to many hours of sanding before that happens


    the stern will be completed in the next day or so





  9. good evening everyone

    Day 18 1st planking


    as soon as i left the make up of the hull, i have had to start thinking about things, and this has resulted in some redo's, lol no matter how much fairing you do, there is always more


    anyway the hull is is about 50% done and although bit messy in places, i have a sound basis  to work on

    and yes i am still missing one part number 29 stern post filler, and the one fitted need working on



















  10. 41 minutes ago, HardeeHarHar said:

    Are you using nails only when you need them?  Also, did you leave all the char on and remove it once the keel and its parts were complete?  I have the Sphinx on my table and am watching your build with great interest 😃

    i use nails all the time and then remove them after the glue has set, the only char removed so far has been for fairing of the hull

  11. 18 minutes ago, Glenn-UK said:

    Hello Kevin

    I have just noticed, when looking at your build log, that you do not seem to have added the two stern filler parts 29 to either side of the keel under bulkhead 18, as per build steps 82 and 83.



    they are in now, about an hour ago, thank you for keeping me in check

  12. good evening everyonr


    thank you for comments and likes

    day 16 1st planking




    port and stbd side templates fitted





    stern tuck, caused me some aggro fot a couple of hours, so the fixed planks were cut back and the stern was re faired allowing the 3rd plank to twist and turn







  13. Good evening everyone

    thank you for comments and likes


    Day 14 port side Gun port templates fitted


    well i never expected to be at this stage after 2 weeks, but here i am, and loving it, and i have not had any issues to criticize the build, or instructions, 

    after the hull fairing i test fitted the gun port templets, no other sanding was required


    the bottom of fwd template forms where the first run of planking under it goes, so a pencil line is drawn, the rest of the plank aligns along the top of the port sill , at this point the template can be removed


    first plank




    2nd plank


    the after template fits on the top of the 1st plank and lined up with the top right corner of the last gunport, instructions need to be read to be aware of where the glue is applied, as a section of the framework has to be removed at a later date


    a templete fits between and the area over the ports is covered, using limewood


    rough opening of the gun ports when the glue has dried





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