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James H

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Posts posted by James H

  1. On 8/15/2021 at 7:27 PM, CDR_Ret said:

    B.E.'s solution works and that's a plus.


    However, the fact that the image folder's name is an active link was totally unknown to me and, obviously, to other members.


    I still think it would be more useful and intuitive if the scroll arrows were active as soon as you enlarge a gallery image. Why not move this feature up one layer so the casual viewer can scroll through all the images that are in the Gallery ribbon?


    Alternatively, include some kind of label or tool tip that alerts (new) users that you can scroll a particular album.


    Or do both. Reserve the large, really high-resolution images for the folder view.




    I'm sort of with you and what you mean, however, we don't write the software and are bound by any limitations.

  2. You really needed to bend those first planks inwards to tuck in under the stern counter area, like this:




    I would look at adding some scrap timber/block in where those planks are cut short, then shape them in so there's a curve towards the counter...taking into account that you will have a second layer that will fit more or less flush with the counter itself, when complete.


  3. 22 minutes ago, mtaylor said:

    I have a question on the MDF for this model.  I have some concerns over fumes and also fragility being as there's a bunch of grades of MDF where some just crumbles by looking at it.   Is there a coating that can be put on it to seal and perhaps strengthen it?  James doesn't mention it so maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid or nuts?

    Whether I'm sanding wood or MDF, I wear a mask. Both aren't good for you in the slightest.


    I've never experienced any problems in strength when it comes to sanding. Of course, if a piece looks more fragile, then just be cautious. The stuff used is high grade as I'm sure @chris watton will attest to. You certainly don't need to coat it in anything to strengthen it, hence no reason to mention it. 


    Paranoid? 😆 Possibly!

  4. 12 minutes ago, chris watton said:

    ...as I have ordered a second laser machine.

    Disgraceful! Was the Playstation 5 not enough? 😆



    On the Sphinx front, my wife, Chantelle and made up the 50 kits (that's a lot of boxes)! and now we wait for the printed manuals, plans and box label to arrive.


    ...of which there are only FOUR kits left of this initial run. Get 'em while you can 😜

    If you want an idea about the kit, check out the instruction manual: https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/hms-sphinx-1775/

  5. 22 minutes ago, paul carruthers said:

    James H, Re step 15 in the manual, is there more information regarding the sanding angles, also for the other bevelled filler Hull parts?


    No, but it's all very elementary ship modelling.


    Just sand and fair those parts until they flow correctly. You will also finalise any sanding when the hull itself is ready to be finally faired.

  6. 37 minutes ago, glennard2523 said:

    Having spent some time reading the manual and James's build log the HMS Sphinx build is very well explained, the photos really help also. My initial impression is this will probably be a time consuming project for me, maybe 9 to 12 months, but hopfully it will be relatively problem free. There are a couple of build items I'm not sure about at the moment but I hoping once the kit arrives all will become clear.😀


    Under normal hobby circumstances, 9 - 12 months for a ship is nothing.


    Just take your time. Remember, I have to rush for a reason :) 

  7. On 8/1/2021 at 11:14 PM, EKE said:

    I have an initial question for Chris and James.  Regarding the pre-beveling of some of the bulkheads and frame parts:  the manual explicitly states that there are engraved bevel lines on some of the parts, and James' build log suggests this. 

    Sorry about that. I am a plonker. It's been changed for the next print run.


    I was building so intensively over that period that my recollections were clouded with some of the fisher stuff I'd just finished. You can use my photos as a guide though as you're always best taking off too little than too much. It's only a rough bevel. 

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