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James H

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Posts posted by James H

  1. 2 minutes ago, chris godson said:

    As a follow up to my previous message, I received an email today from Modellers Central advertising the Amati Bismark kit at £773.00.

    The same kit (as far as I can tell, dimensions and description) is on sale through CMB at £493.00. They have both used identical photos of the kit as well.

    Surely there is a difference somewhere? I will be shocked if it's just one company charging (a lot) more than another for the same kit!!

    I presume you are UK (your email addy), so if the Modeler's Central is the Aussie one, that could be a reason? I presume shipping costs and distribution will affect overall price at various global retailers. Plus if you are UK, CMB is the obvious choice to purchase from.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Peanut6 said:

    The gentle mineral spirit rub down has been completed and it worked better than I could have hoped.  The pieces are already dry and feel exactly as they should.  I could have lived with the extra dark hue my mistake created but just enough stain was removed to really high light the wood grain.  I think I'll give them an over night rest before I move on with them, I'm sure they have to be as traumatized as I was.  I can't tell you how much I was dreading spending the next 2-3 days to replace what I had redone from my first go around on my little Jolly Boat.  Johnny and Roger thank you so much for your guidance, it is greatly appreciated.


    Glad that worked for you. Had loads of probs in past with stuff remaining tacky for a while but thankfully a little white spirit always relieves the pain 😁

  3. 3 hours ago, Kevin said:

    hope you had a nice holinobs

    Way too much rich food, so I need to trim down a little.


    With regards to the Sphinx stand, this is the one supplied. I left the blue film on for assembly shots, but there will be pics of it without that film when done.



  4. 2 minutes ago, Nirvana said:

    Seems like you, James and Chuck have found the golden source to extend the day.


    I only wish. 


    I'm now on starting Sphinx shroud pendants and my room is blistering hot. It's almost unworkable for I need to stay in there for as long as I can before it makes me feel drained and sick. 

  5. NEW AT VANGUARD MODELS! - 'BUY NOW, PAY LATER' (Pay In Three) from PayPal.



    I've been helping Chris with his website and PayPal have really been bugging us with rolling out this system for VM customers. VM satisfies their criteria which allows customers to make purchases from £30 to £2000 using a three-payment system. 


    Once you go to PayPal checkout, you will have an option to choose this. The total cost is split into three equal payments at 0% interest, and then the remainder is paid on the due dates over the following two months. 


    The great news is you of course get your items shipped straight away as you would if you'd paid up-front.


    That'll help break up some of those costs we all have when it comes to buying our kits and stuff!






    There are some territory restrictions, but can't remember them at moment!





  6. Here's my last update before the final completion images.


    The masts are pretty straightforward. Cartridge paper is used for the iron banding, the battens then fitted over these. When complete, the masts are varnished and then sections painted black before then fitting out with rigging blocks etc. For this model, I've used the optional pear blocks (except for deadeyes as the pear weren't in stock when I started). 










    All yards are then built, including mizzen gaff, ensign pole etc. These will be fitted out as soon as the paint is dry.




    Whilst waiting for paint drying, I fitted the bowsprit and rigged the shrouds and stays after first adding the gammoning. Boomkins are also rigged.




    And this is the result so far.




    Catch you when she's finished...

  7. 1 hour ago, Kevin said:

    thank you Jason, i stopped doing it when i was slated on a FB group, comments like how i should have left it to someone who knew what they were doing etc, kind of upset me in a way, im not sure if the confidence will return, and if it does i certainly will think twice before showing others


    And we all know better than to listen to that sort of folk on FB ;)


    I was really liking your work on this and was surprised when it stopped. Please restart this one. Plenty here will like to follow it, including me.

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