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Everything posted by clearway

  1. bringing back memories of just over 12 months back Phil- keep going the end is in sight Keith
  2. Ty for the likes everyone. Gardening taking priority at the moment- however it was raining again this morning so made a start on the yellow stripes. Decided to use run of the mill masking tape as a guide for the yellow striping- will have to tidy up the border with some black paint when i have finished with the yellow. While i like the humbrol matt 74 linen for the yellow it is a bit thick and needs thinning even when brush painting hence the "splodgy" lines. Another two to three coats should see it right- only one stripe painted on starboard side so far. Have fun all. Keith
  3. Need to drill the holes for the gun rigging myself and must admit the dowel/pin vice idea looks ideal- Dan has some good ideas Keep up t' gud wuk as we say in Cumbria Keith
  4. Hi mohamed, i didn't realise about the lack of Nina logs on the web. I soak the planks in warm water for a couple of hours then "tweak" them to the required shape between thumb and fingers. Must get back to Nina- since that pic was taken the poop and anchor decks have been trimmed to fit, but Victory has been taking prominence in the shipyard. Keith
  5. wow at 1/250 this must be a fairly big model- looking forward to seeing her progress Keith
  6. Whilst trying to decide best way to mark out the stripes down the hull realised i needed to paint some more black first! Also decided to build the steps to the poop deck and added the ships wheels. Hey up looks like its going to rain for a change here Keith
  7. I used planking battens which helped a great deal with the plank run for the stern- also some stern shots of mine and other victory builds on here which should help out. Keith
  8. Domonic there is also a book called Anatomy of nelsons ships by longbridge. The Caldercraft Model is to 1/72 which is close to the billings scale so i know how big the beast is good luck m8y and enjoy. Keith
  9. Looking good so far Phil- watch out for the tuck on the stern planking though. Keith
  10. Sorry Dominic havn't logged in for a couple of days- agree with what Phil says OOB the kit would be very basic compared to the Caldercraft- enjoy the build Keith
  11. Ty for the likes and comments everyone. Next job is to paint the yellow striping along the hull. Keith
  12. coming along nicely phil- havn't popped in for a look for a while. Going to look cool as when lit up. I know someone who wanted a mississippi steamer music box which would have moving paddles along with the musical chimes! Keith
  13. got a half decent day yesterday so got the bottom lacquered (still stinks of lacquer in the workshop after 24 hours!) also test fitted the figuerhead which needed a bit of fettling and tweaking to fit. Bit of advise for billings vic builders- trim the forepeak to shape before you add too much detail to the hull as i had to pare a lot of wood off to get it to fit. Keith
  14. Ty Boyd m8- still been lurking in the fringes for the last month though! and ty for the like phil. Forgot to mention i left the rudder moveable which while taking more time to attatch means that it has that little bit of give when "knocked" because you can guarantee the rudder always gets knocked during the build so if possible always make them moveable. Keith
  15. Looking good Frank- i use cross stitch beads for parrel beads but probably a bit too large for 1/100 scale. Keith
  16. After a month or so mucking about with WW2 German half tracks have picked up the courage to pick up the copper tiles and do the rudder!. Built the pintels and gudgeons using brass rod for the pins and 2mm nickel silver strip for the straps. drilled the holes with a 0.7 mm drill and used billings brass pins to fasten to the rudder and hull. Next job when we get a calm sunny day is to polish and lacquer the copper. Have fun all. Keith
  17. The stern gallery windows are a joy!!!! cant believe it is 12 months nearly since i had that pain to suffer Looking good though and Boyd is right about the jos of seeing the hull planked at last! Keith
  18. way to go Frank- must re-start my Vic- been getting distracted by ww2 german half tracks and armour again Keith
  19. That would be a good price as working blocks are normally a bit more expensive if memory serves me right. Keith
  20. as regards stunsail booms she did not carry them when she had her rig cut down for the wool trade to Australia so there is precedence for leaving them off Keith
  21. Tough call Boyd but it is your ship me ole hearty and if you feel she is o.k. without then so it be # Keith
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