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Posts posted by Siggi52

  1. Many thanks for all your nice comments, I really appreciate it. 


    The men of the shipyard are still on vacation. I had been busy building two rifles during the wintertime. The smaller rifle is after a Armstrong rifle and the longer one after a Jacob Ferree rifle. (48 inch barrel!) Here is the frizzen is still missing! :angry: 


    At the moment I'm busy in my garden, I did't do very much here the last 4 years. But I think to the end of the year I will be back at the shipyard.


    Best regards,








  2. Hello,


    many thanks for your likes and comments. Today I finished the barge and set it to the Dragon into her showcase. After the motto: the captain would go from board and his barge is ready.










    And here all is closed and ready




    All in all it was a fun to build this little boat and I think it would't be the last I Build.

  3. Hello,


    it is done. The barge is more or less ready and when I think it over, I could build more of them. But now the last pictures. 






    There is a rule of thumb with the oars I found out. 1/3 of the oar is in the boat and 2/3 outside. The square part is fully inside, it is the counterweight for the outside part. The point of balance is shortly outside of the boat. For modern oars they say 30 cm. So the oar would fall alone in the water, but you need not much power to get it out. That means also, that the oars have all more or less a different length at each position. You could see that also at many of the old models. A good example is the model SLR0578.


    I'm sorry Druxey, but for your barge you need the girls (?) of the Russian shot putter national team. But with them on board, the barge would go only in one direction, downwards  ;)


    Because I would set the barge to the Dragon, I tried some position of the oars. But at least I have to take all oars in I think, because of space.







  4. Hello,


    thank you for your kind words, Mark and Nils. Mark, when I understand the descriptions of the NMM right, then an admiral would have twelve oarsmen and how the barge would be equipped was up to the captain or admiral and how much he was willing to spend. 


    The oars are more work then first expected. But I hope to get ready with them tomorrow. Yesterday I build two masts and sprits for two spritsails and installed them today.



  5. Hello again,


    First I had to build a scabbard for a small sword for a friend and afterwards I took my cold. If you did't take your cold in wintertime, you had to take it in July  :(


    But now I'm back at the ship yard. The last two days I worked on a seat cushion for the captain. Captains are not used to sit on hard wood, so I had to do it  ;)




    Also new is the gangplank and the two hooks. I don't know the exactly name for these.




    The next things to build are the oars. 



  6. Hello,


    thanks for your likes and comments. Today I finished mostly the back part of the barge. There are only some small things left. Next I start building the thwarts. 








    For those who do not use Euro Cents, they have a diameter of 16 mm. When I started painting the fries of my Dragon, I thought that this is the limit for me. But it works even at a smaller scale :huh:   

  7. Hello,


    many thanks for your comments and likes 


    Yesterday I installed the frames and the captain came to inspect the work. 








    Today I think I will build the floors but there is a small problem. At the plan are two bolts with rings in the Keel.




    To get access of them, did they made there a door at the floor, ore is may be the plank in the middle removable? In the last case they have access to the whole keel, for cleaning, getting water out and so on. There are so far as I know no pillars under the thwarts. 



  8. Hello,


    after a short break, because the weather was so fine here, the building goes on. Monday I painted the frieze and today I finished the rudder, except the tiller.


    Here some of the hardware 












    After all dried, I will start with the interior. I made all these things ready, because after the next step I could't use the plug to hold the boat in the vise. 

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