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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Ah, so you finally got off the Chatham Dockyard bus Sjors - exactly a year since we took that photo.
  2. Nice work Ian. On the question of hook length, I reckon you could afford to halve the length of the shank.
  3. Great to see son progress Slog. Looking good. Those Pitt Pens look like the answer to your prayers alright. Along similar lines, you might want to try out some Coptic markers, which you'll find in any art supply store. I've no idea if they will be suitable, but the Pitt pens prompted my memory. They come in a really large colour range too.
  4. Congrats Mark. Take a bow and have an adult beverage or three. She's looking mighty fine Sir!
  5. More excellent work Mobbsie - and nothing boring about it my friend! Fabulous looking yards, and I love those blocks I just worked out that it was exactly one year ago last weekend that we had a wonderful weekend together visiting Chatham and Portsmouth, and of course Chateau Mobbsie. Still the highlight of the whole holiday for me.
  6. Yup, wot he said! Looking good Wayne. This is a really sweet looking vessel.
  7. Thanks Ian for your pictures and descriptions - most informative.
  8. Brilliant approach to the brickwork Alexandru - I love it!
  9. Beautiful symmetry there Bob. I haven't tried it myself, but Sculpey might be a good option to try - at least you can put some more on if you take off too much! I know that Brian C used it for his decorations on his Fubbs, and they seem to have turned out very well indeed.
  10. Good idea to break it up like that Ray - they can become a little tedious! The ratlines look great so far - nice and evenly spaced.
  11. Nice set-up Mike. At least with the Admiral having her own part of the room, you can't be accused of 'abandoning' her for your hobby!
  12. WOW! That looks superb Augie. Hope you and the Admiral have a great holiday - I can't believe its now exactly a year since we did the same. Where are you headed?
  13. Thanks Bindy, Always a delight to see you dropping by.
  14. Sweet! That looks superb Sjors. Now just lift your game and do better on the starboard side will you? :P
  15. Hi Ian, It may have seemed simple to you, but your descriptive post on the manufacture of your die to make the cap squares was particularly educational for those of us who remain metal-work neophytes (or in my case, luddites). I am DEFINITELY copying this to my "great ideas" folder! (I might have to call this folder SIFI - Stealing Ideas From Ian ) Would you mind posting a picture of your railroad riveting tool in action? I'm intrigued by this.
  16. Ian, Well done all round. I have to say that the thinner thread in your latest post looks to me to be the winner. Great work, well executed.
  17. Dave has it right Ed! What a wonderful description of a relatively simple solution to a complex problem. And while I say "simple", I for one would never have worked out that remedy by myself. Thanks for your continued sharing and instruction of techniques Ed - your contribution to this forum and Shipmodelling in general is beyond description.
  18. That is some really lovely work Janet! Please keep posting more progress pics.
  19. Hi Harvey, Just found your log and have to say you're doing a wonderful job on modifying this kit - truly first class work! I note that you live in Dorset -.my wife and I spent a most enjoyable week in Dorset about one year ago, staying in a thatched cottage owned by friends in the tiny village of Milton Abbas. The Dorset countryside really is lovely. I'll pull up a chair and follow along with your build now that I've found it. As I said, first class work and very interesting mods.
  20. Thanks guys. Mark - you have a sharp eye. I think what you are seeing is camera angle distortion in this case, but there IS definitely a discrepancy at the forward end of one of the risers that will need to be adjusted. Thanks for checking - it can be easy to miss the obvious sometimes and I appreciate your pointing out what you see.
  21. Looks great Kevin. If you want to put a coil in your breach rope, why not just replace it with a slightly longer one?
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