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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Hi Lou, That's some seriously nice work you've done so far! I look forward to following the rest of this build. What a great complementary build to the cross section (or vice versa).
  2. Very nice planking job Frank, and as others have said, fantastic work with the weathering.
  3. Thanks Mobbsie and Lou. The change in angle was achieved by angling the milling vice on the milling table. This was done by eye, with a bit of trial and error to ensure the cutting bit would track down the line. After I had finished it, I had one of those Blinding Glimpses of the Obvious (BGO), that so often occur with the 20/20 vision of hindsight - I could have used the rotating table that I have for the mill to achieve the same result more accurately and more easily! Oh well.......... Lou - the "gray shims" are a set of parallel bars that I used to ensure the top surface was level and just clear of the top of the vice.
  4. Looks pretty good from this side of the country Slog! Don't be too hard on yourself.
  5. Hi Aldo, Nice to see you back. I sincerely hope your health condition improves to allow you more time in the shipyard.
  6. Very nice Rusty - and thanks for the tip on the 6" wide sanding belts for the thickness sander. Might have to investigate that myself.
  7. One further addition to the building jig before moving on. I added some keel retaining strips and stuck on copies of the frame position indicators for good measure. The Keel Assembly The keel assembly is comprised of four components: Keel, False Keel (Upper), False Keel (Lower) and Hog. The False Keel (Lower) is made from 1/16” thick Ebony, while the remaining pieces are all Swiss Pear. All components are 1/4” thick. The Hog needs to be cut with a series of steps and notches. Both side and top views are provided in the drawings, so I printed these onto sticky label paper to use as templates and then cut the profile using a 1/4” end mill cutter in my Sherline Mill. This was the perfect size for the width of the notches. I was quite pleased with the results. And here are the four pieces ready for assembly: After assembling the four components, I ran them through the thickness sander with a very light pass just to ensure everything was nice and even. The next job was to cut the rabbet, and this is where I ran into the first major hitch. The rabbet is straight, parallel to the keel for about 2/3 of it’s length, where it changes angle slightly and sweeps up moving aft. I cut the rabbet by hand using a very nice V-chisel. The first cut was a very, very light one and the wood peeled off beautifully. Unfortunately, this may have lulled me into a false sense of security, as I may have been a little over-zealous in the end. From this angle it doesn’t look too bad. I might have accepted this ‘as is’, until I looked closely at the second side…… You can see here that I managed to induce quite a wave into the angle part. It’s back to chisel school for me I’m afraid! I thought about this for a while and then decided to try a different approach. Enter the “Secret Weapon” This is 90º V-Groove Router bit with a 1/4” shaft. It fits nicely into a collet on the Sherline Mill. Here is the set-up I used on the mill. And here is the result: I’m much happier with this! The keel assembly was trimmed to length and is now ready for use. Next up, we start playing with frames. Oh goodie - more toys to use!
  8. Daniel, Don't forget that you must always choose the lesser of two weevils! :P
  9. Lou, Welcome to the group. If you PM me with your email address, I'll send you a copy of the materials list spreadsheet I worked up, plus a few additional aids. You will need to purchase your own set of plans/drawings, available through the Model Ship Builder (MSB) website: http://modelshipbuilder.com/page.php?135
  10. Nice to see you back and making some progress Chris. It certainly is a steep learning curve, but persistence will get you there in the end. Your modification at the stern looks good.
  11. Looking good Sjors. Should your sprit sails hang a little more vertically?
  12. Mighty fine looking progress there Mark. And what Keith said - I'll second that, with thanks.
  13. Well, if Mobbbsie was concerned about the "Grant slow", it just got slower...... Tried cutting the rabbet tonight...............let's just say that more practice is required......... Looks like I get to make a whole new keel all over again. At this rate, the scrap bin is going to be well fed! I'll be back when I've got this keel and rabbet sorted. Less haste, more speed me thinks!
  14. I'll be interested to follow along with this one Mark. Your full ship is a real beauty, so the cross section should be a piece of cake for you.
  15. Hey Marc, Good on you for taking the plunge and ripping off what you weren't happy with. Making that decision was the hardest part - from here on it gets easier as there is no going back. I look forward to seeing your modifications.
  16. I've heard very good things about the Hegner saws Kevin. I have an Excalibur saw, which I think cost around the same sort of money - it's a dream to use. Investing in quality tools is worthwhile - at least then there is only one source left to blame! And by the time you've finished your Triton cross section, you'll have saved enough money again for your Druid build and gained plenty of experience in the tool as well. Happy Days!
  17. Thanks everyone for looking in and for the encouraging words as we step gingerly into the dark side. Welcome one and all - there's plenty of seats available and now that Mark and Sjors are both here, the bar is open and there's popcorn for everyone! I did get the keel done today, with the exception of cutting the rabbet. No pics yet, but will post some as soon as I've cut the rabbet. If anyone else wants to join in this little group build, you are more than welcome. We'll be going slow, so there's plenty of time to get caught up.
  18. Hope the keyboard isn't now covered in coffee Mark!
  19. Good to see the log up and running Mobbsie. Don't go doing too much "practice" now, or you'll end up like Rusty's infamous "set-up"!
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