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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Ed, you continue to bring joy to my day every time I read one of your updates. It truly is an uplifting experience.
  2. Mark, I'm sure your planking will be fine, if the rest of the build is anything to by. And if its not, just think of all the extra clamps you'll be able to make!
  3. Only one gazillion? I thought it would be at least eleventy gazillion!
  4. Great work Paul - always enjoy reading your updates to see the next clever approach to capturing detail. Super stuff!
  5. Ronald, You may get more answers if you post your question in a general discussion area rather than in someone's build log. I would suggest posting it here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/18-modeling-tools-and-workshop-equipment/ You are likely to get a wide range of answers though, as what you are asking is a bit like asking "how long is a piece of string?" The answers could range from, you don't actually need any power tools at all, to as many as your budget will allow. Some folks do some marvellous work with almost exclusively hand tools, except for maybe a Dremel type drill. Others, like me, are power tool junkies - I've never met a power tool I didn't like! If you dig around a bit in the link above, you may find some more answers to your question. You might also want to have a look through some of the scratch build logs to see what tools these modellers are using. Have a look at Victory by EdT; Naiad by EdT; Vulture by Dan Vad, Kingfisher by Remco, and Atlanta by tlevine, to name just a few exceptional scratch builds. There are many, many more. I hope this helps.
  6. I don't have a copy of the cartoon, but you Farside aficionados will no doubt remember my all time favourite: the "Midvale School for the Gifted".
  7. I agree, this is one of the true masterpieces among some very high quality builds. Just wonderful to watch it come together.
  8. Congratulations Janet, you will love these machines - they are a joy to use. They are expensive here in Australia too, but worth every cent/penny in my opinion. Take some time to "play" with them as you get to know them.
  9. Hi Gaetan, I've just caught up with your re-posted log. I had been following this wonderful build on MSW 1, and am so glad you re-posted so many of your pictures. Your work is absolutely first class and an inspiration and example to us all.
  10. Good decision to scratch a new transom Sjors. You've made a good start and I'm sure you'll be very happy with the end result.
  11. My sincere condolences Suzanne, to you and your family in this difficult time. Your father was a much liked and highly respected member of the MSW community.
  12. I think you might be having us on there Robbyn. I suspect that young Craig is just dotty about you, so there would be no "make" when it comes to the chores. I submit exhibit A (huge sparkly shiny thing) in evidence!
  13. Daniel, The way you add figures to your model brings so much life to it. Amazing and superb work. As Popeye said, the combination of your imagination and your talent is something quite special. But please Sir, may we have a little food on our plates!
  14. Just for the heck of it, I'll throw in my AUD 0.02! I too really enjoy the banter and friendly leg pulling that goes on within these logs. Real friendships seem to develop in this way, even with those we've never met or even spoken too. To share a sense of humour as well as a common interest, and a genuine care for our fellow modellers, is what makes this forum quite special. Let's not lose that.
  15. Nice looking frames Ben - a great start.
  16. Thanks Mick, Ben and Keith for looking in and your kind comments. Keith - the Holly is excellent to work with. It is very pliable - a light soak in tepid water and you can make pretzels from it. That was one of the main reasons for using it. I could have used box, but the stock I had was slightly wider and the Holly seemed just right for the purpose. I used box for the frames and it also was very good to work with. I get all my timber from Jeff Hayes at Hobby Mill - it's worth the extra cost of postage to have such wonderful material to work with. And don't worry, even with painting, it still looks pretty good (to me anyway!).
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