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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Thank you very much! I’m looking forward to getting back to work on this build!
  2. The wall looks great! The weathering is phenomenal! As Bob Ross says, “There are only happy little accidents.”
  3. In my experience, Excel blades are better than X-Acto. However, I like scalpels the best. I’ve been using them exclusively for a while now. Be careful with scalpels though, they shatter with any side pressure at all.
  4. I got creative with spackle for filling the gaps on the clear pieces. The plane is now primed black: Most of my models start out this way. I tend to treat all of my models like gigantic war gaming miniatures, including my ships. By priming black, it helps create depth. I always paint from the inside-out. I’m going to let it dry overnight and then I’ll paint it the same silver color I painted my B-58 Hustler. Then on to detailing!
  5. Here are the updated pictures of the Victory: It looks like the rigging sprung on a carronade and the figurehead needs some minor work. Otherwise, the Victory looks like she’s in good shape.
  6. I’m starting to look at Victory’s AOTS plans again. It looks like I really don’t have much left to make. I need some railings, mounting brackets for the fire buckets, the lanterns, a chart cubby for the quarter deck, some hammock cranes, netting, the marines walk, some davits, a set of ships boats, some chainplates, a few other misc fittings and then on to masting, rigging and sails. It sounds like a lot, but on this ship, that’s not a whole lot left. The hard part’s done. I still need to finish a bomber (the B-25), but that will be quick.
  7. The model is still looking rough and will require more filling, sanding and shaping. I don’t really build that many normal styrene models. Most of my plastics are 28mm war gaming models, which use a different version of styrene, or a different type of plastic entirely. Most of the rest of mine are either wood, metal, card or resin. Is there any good way to fill gaps in the clear plastic?
  8. I finished the assembly: The base is temporary. A buddy of mine is making the permanent base, but it will mount like it is now. I’ve done this style base for two other models now, and it looks great when done. The temporary base will get used with another flying model out of my stash (and I have too many to count).
  9. Congratulations! Well done! Nicely done on the figurehead!
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