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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Superlatives fail me with your continued impressive work at this scale Ed - I learn so much each time you post. cheers Pat
  2. That is looking great Tecko; the colour and 'patchiness' of the grass to the bottom end of the lawn around the house is spot on (in the photo at least) for "Aussie' grass that has not been manicured . cheers Pat
  3. Very nice work OC; your efforts are paying dividends as she looks very good. cheers Pat
  4. Very nice work on the yards Dave; brings back some memories Have fun at the games. cheers Pat
  5. Very convincing effect when it works Tecko, pity you had to assist with the vac. The diorama is coming along really nicely -- are you going to add the council workers (or should I say 4 x supervisors and one labourer ;)) cheers Pat
  6. Looks very good Tecko; that mulch came out really well and 'in scale'. cheers Pat
  7. Stunningly crisp detail cheers pat
  8. Looks like you are having some 'fun' with this one Greg; perseverance will get you there cheers Pat
  9. Daydream all you like Denis; that looks a pretty good fit for your needs. cheers Pat
  10. Those figurines are very well done Dan; very realistic postures and well detailed. cheers Pat
  11. Denis, if you are going to soak it try adding as little fabric conditioner; that may help if you are looking for a softer finish cheers Pat
  12. and.... HMS Nelson (1814) which was subsequently transferred to the Colony of Victoria. cheers Pat
  13. Another example of top-quality tradecraft - that yard looks great Ed. I had been wondering how you cleaned the copper prior to the blackening agent - thanks again for the info. cheers Pat
  14. Interesting vessel Tecko. For my couple of bob's worth and only an observation not a critique, the vessel design looks fit for purpose, but the bridge looks slightly oversized/out of proportion. With the bridge hanging out over the sides it would be a hell of a vessel to berth safely due to clearance with pierside obstructions etc. That said, it is an interpretative display/diorama you are doing so only the 'rivet counter' critics should get upset Nice work as usual. cheers Pat
  15. Great to see you back at the model workbench Michael. A masterful repair to the ladder and other bits; the customer will be very happy with the level and quality of your restoration. cheers Pat p.s some further ideas for clamps for the third hand
  16. That was disappointing Greg; the Pontos stuff is usually pretty decent isn't it? Good luck with the fix cheers Pat
  17. Very nice and accurate work (as usual) Gaetan; that hull is looking very good. cheers Pat
  18. That looks really good mate; excellent job on the smaller details - looks very 'authentic'. cheers Pat
  19. Very nice paint finish so far Russ, you must have prepared that hull very nicely to achieve it. I can also recommend the frogtape, but I have also had good results with Tamiya tape. cheers Pat
  20. Hi, Druxey has steered you in the right direction. If the plans are just an upperdeck / general arrangement drawing, and the usual side profile etc I am not surprised the 'cable lockers' (cable storage compartments/wells) are not shown. These were well down in the ship as they were long and heavy 'beasts', and usually located either side of and as close to the centreline as possible, to assist in vessel stability. Generally, the heavier main cables were the most inboard, then the cablets/spares etc further away from the centreline. All were usually accessed through the same access port or 'naval pipes' on the weather deck. cheers Pat
  21. She's a wonderful looking model Denis; great job on the detailing. cheers Pat
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