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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Gary, Take a look here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/540-how-to-add-pictures-in-your-posts/ This might help with the pictures and getting things sorted out.
  2. Paul, This build still boggles my mind.... I've watched this on MSW and seen the parts being made and still have a hard time believing it's paper/card.
  3. Holy Batstuff... Incredible. Fantastic. Super. And they're good too... The downside is, everyone of us on the "darkside" now know it can be done and how to do it. Intense pressure.... intense.
  4. You're right.. my bad.. I'll go turn myself in for appropriate flogging. <sigh> Been a looonnngggg weekend.
  5. Tom, Take a look here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/516-relief-mouldings/
  6. Bob, Be sure to test with some scrap wood and that paper before finishing. There are some finishes that will cause a Sharpie to bleed.
  7. Steve, Have a look at the Articles.. particularly this one: http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Rigging_and_Sails/ScaleSails.pdf
  8. Tim, You are far better off usiing a dye or stain. Tea and coffee are both acidic and will quickly deteriorate any thing cloth such as sails or line. For black, you could also use India Ink.
  9. Phillip, Give it some time. It was only hour between your last two posts. We're world wide site and many if not most of us work. You might want to check this out: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/353-planking-instructiontutorial-by-jack-nastyface/ second post down, the PDF.
  10. Thanks Maury. Try the Google cache but it's fading away. If nothing else, just a couple of posts to bring things up to date will work.
  11. Gil, I'm happy you made your way back here. Even happier that you're one of the few (very few) who was able to recover from such a disaster on a home PC.
  12. Ed, I'll join the chorus of "thank yous" and then return to 'watch and learn' mode.
  13. Nicely done and thank you for sharing it with us, Garward. A lot of people, I'm sure, will be glad to see this.
  14. Just thought I'd pop in here. The rules on the old MSW were that the person who got the ship's name right, got to select and post the next ship. Otherwise, there were tons of people popping in with "what's this ship" and even they didn't know the answer. Since you are the founding "parents" of the game, you might want to think about some rules..... before things get too confusing.
  15. Hi Christian, There's a few of those "raised eyebrows" type of translations. But I guess that's to be expected in any translation.
  16. I just use a standard run-of-the-mill #2 wooden pencil. I have a pencil sharpener handy. If I need a finer line than the sharpener gives me, I hone it on a rough piece of paper.
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