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La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette

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first of all, thanks for your attention and all other

for the LIKES.


In between, I always need a change in model building to maintain the motivation.


So far I have used a purchased anchor cable that was a bit too thick. Now I've tried to make a better anchor cable with my rope making machine.
The anchor cable is made as a cable laid rope. In the original cable had a diameter of 107 mm, which corresponds to a scale of 1:48 exactly 2.2 mm.
This consists of 3 x 3 standed right handed ropes laid up left handed.
I think that the new anchor cable is much better than the purchased one.



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2 hours ago, archjofo said:


I think that the new anchor cable is much better than the purchased one.



Johann ~ ANYTHING that you make is guaranteed to be much better than any purchased equivalent !!!



I cut it twice . . . . . and it's still too short!



HMS Leopard 1790; scratch build 1:80 PoB

Cross Section - HMS Leopard 1790 - 1:44         



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thank you for your interest and for the benevolent words.

Also thanks at all for die many LIKES.


Before I continue with the standing rigging, I have to add different details, because otherwise there is no accessibility.
On the one hand it concerns the ship toilietts, on the other hand it concerns belayin pins and cleats.
I hope you like the pictures.





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I hate those pictures! In the most possitive way. It makes me take my ships and throw them away. Simply beautyful! 👌

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Before it goes on in the report I would not Forget to thank you for your nice comments an the many LIKES.


After the little excursion to the bulwark I continued with the shrouds for the foremast.
The foremast has 5 shrouds per side. Therefore, the last shrouds require a special design. These are placed together with a so-called horse-shoe-splice.

"Every picture is worth a thousand words."






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The shrouds of the La Creole for the mizzenmast had a diameter of 58 mm, which corresponds to a diameter of 1.2 mm on a scale of 1:48. The foremost shrouds were not served in this case.
Thus I have set all shrouds so far.
Here are a few pictures.




Finally, a picture of the current state of construction.




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Brilliantly scaled detailing !!!!! :imNotWorthy:  Your work is superlative within this hobby - as always thanks for sharing this log.


Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa





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I would like to thank you very much for liking my work. Also many thanks for the many LIKES.

The report continues with the fore stay and preventer fore stay.
A special feature is the attachment to the bowsprit with leather collars.


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Piece of art and museum quality work. It is very very impressive and you are amazingly talented and skilled builder Johann! Bravo

Past build: BRACERA


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do... Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover"




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@jose_b and @Wishmaster
thank you very much for your motivating comments. Thanks also to the others for the lot LIKES.

Some time ago, I already reported on the production of the burton pendants. These had to be placed before attaching the shrouds.
Meanwhile I made the fore tackles. These consist of heavy double blocks, for example, to lift heavy loads or to support the rigging, and other.


The las Picture Shows how the fore tackle is hooked to the channel.



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this is real goat leather, which I split again thinner, to about 0.2 mm thickness.
Many rigging elements were leathered at the time, such as the collar on the bowsprit, as seen here LINK.
Here I show my device for leather splitting.


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