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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Excellent work. Keep the pctures coming, I am always watching.
  2. Excellent machine work. Have been enjoying this build since the begining. Keep the pictures cing, I am always watching.
  3. A bench grinder is a big need for shapeing your lathe tools. You really should think about getting one. They are not that big in price. Go for it and let us know which one you get. Will be waitinf for an update on it.
  4. Kevin, She is looking better and better each time I see her. Glad your back working on her. Keep the pictue coming, I will always be watching my friend. Thank you for sharing with us.
  5. Mark, I like the fix, your dong an excellent job. I can't write that much since I am in a internet cafe in China and the dam keyboard sucks big time. Keep the pictures coming, I will always be watching.
  6. This is looking, nice eye for detail. Keep the pictures coming.
  7. Looks like your off to a good start. Keep the pictures coming.
  8. Now that is excellent. Your attention to detail has pay off big time, just beautiful. Keep the pictures coming, always watching your work. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  9. Here is a link to Kevin build log. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4011-bismarck-by-kevin-trumpeter-plastic-1200/
  10. Thanks for starting a log. Do a search for Kevin log of the same ship, if you need any help you can follow what he has done and he will always help you if you have any questions, he's good people and is well known here on MSW. Welcome aboard.
  11. I like the jig. Jig's can save a heck of a lot of time, and as long as the jig is set right the item/items will always come out right on.
  12. Thanks for the link. She is a fine looking model of a work ship. I am sure that you can do an excellent job, I also know you will bash it for sure. Start a log when you start her. thanks for sharing.
  13. You have an excellent setup for your workshop. But one question? why is it so clean? Doesn't look like you work in it LOL. Very nice. The ships rigging is looking beautiful. Keep the pictures coming. Make some saw dust in the shop, way to clean LOL.
  14. Take your time and by no means rush anything. It will pay off big time in the end. Keep the pictures coming.
  15. Beautiful. Your doing an excellent job with the bone and the detail is right on. Keep the post and the pictures coming, we are all watching this build.
  16. Nice idea Mark. Now we will be waiting to see them install. Glad you finally figure out what to do since I know it must have been driving you nuts.
  17. Remco, You have out did yourself with the stove, just Beautiful. Did you make the pot? Keep the post and pictures coming. Excellent work, but it is also what we all expect from you.
  18. Your rigging is Beautiful. Your doing a wonderful job with this build. Keep the pictures coming.
  19. Ed, Thank you for sharing this with us. I like the jig very much, one could make it for any of the table saw that we use. Thanks
  20. You have proven that taking you time pays off big time. Excellent work. Keep the pictures and post coming.
  21. Gary, Excellent work on the stove, one of the best I have seen. Keep the pictures coming. I have been following this build since MSW1, glad you still working on her. Thank you.
  22. Happy Birthday Rusty. Dam in lest than 6 months I hit 60, and then I count backwards LOL.Best of luck in the New Year.
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