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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. I remember the reversed walkway from before but your catch and fix was excellent. Skid beams are great as well. Ben
  2. Thanks Druxey for the info, bad terminology on my part as I did know they were bolts. I ordered brass scale rivets from scalehardware the same as Greg used, 0.5mm head diameter, but the shaft is 0.034 which is a #80 drill bit and I have no bits or way to drill all the way through, so I printed out the plans and cut out the keel section with a razor, I will use this to mark out both sides and drill them from each side. Ben
  3. Very nice work on the cannons and breechings, I also do like the trademark brass ends to the cannons - different and an effective change in contrast. Now that he who has no name has proclaimed an Aggy build, I can see the Sjorsian wars military buildup is in full swing again and Augie is rattling sabers about a LARGE next build, ho hum! Nice work man and keep it up. Ben
  4. Nice to have you along for the ride Sjors, I hope it will be an interesting voyage for both of us. Ben
  5. Hi Rusty, yeh 3 at at time for the next two weeks, that's how close the longboat is. I bought some scale brass rivets 0.5mm for the keel treenails but I will have to use a #80 drill bit so we shall see how many I break.
  6. Hi Greg and CRF and thanks. Greg - Question 1 already, can I assume that the treenails go right through the Keel? In other words seen on both sides of the keel? ben
  7. Here is the keel that I have made using only a razor saw, chisel and a file. The black joints are made using art paper of a thickness 0.008. I will be using Titebond wood glue for the entire build. Its not perfect as you could get with a table saw but I think its pretty good for a first attempt and I may well make another but I want to practice making the false keel and rising wood and carving the rabbit before I do any retrys. ben
  8. Well All - Here is the beginning of my Scratch Building career, I chose the ECHO cross section from Admiralty Models because of the work by Greg & David in the TFFM books that I own and intend to build a Swan class one day but needed something easier than a full model to start with. This is going to be very slow to begin with as I am working on my Confederacy which is about half way completed and will be taking most of my limited modelling time. Also I am still building up my collection of tools, I have plenty of hand tools and a beautiful Dewalt scroll saw, but I still wish to get a JimSaw and thickness sander - however I will start with hand tools for most of the work. The first pic is the wood framing package from AM which is supplied to them by Jeff @ Hobbymill, Its Boxwood and machined to the sizes that are called for in the plans, there seems to be quite a bit of material supplied above what would be needed to actually frame the model for those Opps moments which Im sure I will have plenty of in my learning curve. I have been watching the great starts that others here have made on this and hope that I can acheive something close to them. BTW the first version I make will be just the hull framing, no planking or internal framing, then I will make a second version which will be the full Monty. And here we go!! ben
  9. I will defiantly be watching this build, thanks for starting a log of her. Ben
  10. Nice choice on the Agammenon, she's a fine ship and I'm sure you will do her justice. Myself I will be finishing my Longboat in the next few weeks while I wait for paint to dry on the Confed, as soon as she's out of dock #2, my scratch building career will begin on the Echo cross section. I look forward to seeing you finish the Mirage. Ben
  11. I'm with the others, I think a Confed in your future is a great idea seeing what you have accomplished with the Syren. Ben
  12. Wow buddy, the bloody thing is huge, you'll be able to fire real mortars with it, gonna need a lot of wood to build her - I worry about your pension again, rice and beans for the foreseeable future I think. Ben
  13. Nope, Just saying that you must be a damn surgeon with that Sander, If I used it the entire starboard side would have been gone.
  14. I'd forgotton you hand to make all your chainplates by hand, I find that a task and Im glad there is PE in the kit. ben
  15. Excellent quality of the caulking using the paper, any tips on how you got this to come out so well. Ben
  16. Hi and nice start on your Syren. I noticed your comment about the laser marks on the bulkheads were too deep causing the extensions to be fragile, Yeh this has been seen quite often and you are not the only one, seems to be a MS production problem with both the Syren and Confederacy, many syren builders and me on the first Confed here have had it, I agree everybody should take a few minutes to look for this issue when they start their build. That picture of a belt sander you used scared me to death and I'm glad you got away with it, I would never of dared use something like that on a model. Look forward to your progress. Ben
  17. That's some FANCY decorations on that ship of yours Sjors, I wonder how many tons that added to her deadweight, proberbly had to unload all the cannons ( and cannonballs, cotton or not ) just so she would sail well. Looking really good my friend. Ben
  18. Impressive to see that "front end" again Rusty, I need all the reference pics from you that I can get. Ben
  19. Great to see you and the Arizona back Norman, maybe one day I will get to my Warspite. Look forward to seeing all the pics again. Ben
  20. As the others have said Alex, simply stunning work and thanks for reposting it. Ben
  21. Very interesting story and I'm sure it will be a joy to watch you build this model. Ben
  22. A Few Updates, First as you can see the mast was constructed and the Iron work made as per the instructions, blocks added and then it was stepped a tiny amount aft, about 5 degrees, I prefer the look. Then the main boom was made and a tiny piece of wire was used as the hook on the end to go into mast reciever, I then rigged it up and installed it, with the block on the horse which shall go under my rudder as per Chucks original design. Then the Gaff Boom was made and rigged, I left the parrells brass instead of painting them as I wanted the contrast and them to be noticeable. Started making the chainplates/deadeyes and here you can see the starboard side have been added. I really must start thinking how I am going to mount her, pedastals or cradle. ben
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