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Everything posted by ZyXuz

  1. Finally, after 3 months and a half, my ship is now completed All the yardarms are now on, and also the anchors (which I finished as closing ceremony ) Anyway, I'm still working on the display case. It shouldn't take too long. Anyway, here are the updates! Spritsail and main yards riggings were easier because there are lesser riggings in front, in which I can do the riggings more comfortably. Spritsail Lift Main Yard And some 'forcing' were done to make the yards look parallel The Yards Lifts Running Rigs Also, added more lamps on my ship.. The mizzen riggings are harder to handle because all the backstays are blocking my hands to rig on the pin rail. Mizzen Lifts Running Rigs And the anchors... Anchors Messy Forecastle And finally the full view Flag pole is on too, with a lamp attached. Starboard Bow Port The whole process has been very fun and enjoyable. Thanks MSW for creating such a good site, to share and learn together. That really benefits me! And thanks to those who helped me on this.. without references and opinions here, I couldn't finished my ship as such satisfying result Thank you and thanks again for dropping by my build log! OK, it's time for the display case!!
  2. another 'wow' from me, Bender.. your work is just outstanding!! hope to see the oars on soon!
  3. nice paint work on the hull she'll look better when the bulwark is done too
  4. wow, this is the most detail pinrail I've ever seen! Awesome craftsmanship!!!!
  5. nice riggings on the yards, Vince. I love the foot rope especially
  6. well done, Bender the shrouds riggings are neat, and I love the way u handle your sails cheers!
  7. Here's my another chance!!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Modellismo-Corel-Fregata-Britannica-HMS-Unicorn-1790-1-75-Scale-Model-Ship-Kit-/380680288595?pt=UK_ToysGames_ModelKits_ModelKits_JN&hash=item58a2503953
  8. Thanks for all the compliments! really appreciate them Nick, Yea, I love the films too and don't forget the wand Can't wait to see your result! Good Luck )
  9. brilliant work!!! I really every parts on your ship!
  10. nice to see you started a build log It's a good start so far Good luck!
  11. Hi ALL, Thanks for your kind words Nick, Glad that you like my cabin. Doing miniature like those is all about patient Your Hermione is a larger ship, so you'll have more things to fit it the cabin Maybe you can make one figure of Emma Watson in the cabin, since she's Hermione in Harry Potter :D (I don't know y I've came out with that idea, maybe I just love her so much )
  12. Some quick updates ^^ OK, it's time for redoing works.. The Ratlines! Thanks for sharing the methods, the result turned out great! Method Used Also, I used cow hitches instead of clove hitches at the first and last shrouds. Cow Hitches Are Used at First and Last Shrouds Total of 392 knots... The feeling doing the last knot of the last ratlines was really good! XD Ratlines Completed Then, I continued to the gaffs.. Main Gaff In Position Stacked up the threads in a circle at the end.. Mizzen Gaff Running Rig Mizzen Gaff Running Rig Current Look The 2 pairs of hanging blocks will be braces for the spritsails. Next move is to put the yardarms on, and my ship is really upon completion
  13. another Vasa! glad to see you start a build log here, Marktiedens she looks great, can't be better i'm hoping for more pictures
  14. well done, Lin can't wait to see the treenails after sanding.. keep it up
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