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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Well, this is certainly a pleasant surprise. And you're not wasting any time !!! Has Popeye cleared you for 4 builds? Hope your bend mitigation holds up. It doesn't look too bad. And you'll figure out the deck. I'll be watching!
  2. Darn it. Do you have a strong keel clamp (the longer the better). How about spraying the bent area with windex until it's good and damp and then clamping it for a day or two?
  3. No one will ever beat the Scots ---- they've been practicing with that caber for a long time!
  4. I think it's fair to say that machines of war tend to be purpose built and that human comforts, such as we know them, are not a high priority. I've found this to be the case whether we're discussing battleships, aircraft, submarines or tanks and also regardless of the era. How 'romantic' could it have possibly been making one's way at night up to the head to use a seat of ease in heavy weather in February??? Sailors in the age of wooden ships must have been one tough bunch.
  5. At 350 hours into the build, it's time for an update. The second belt of planking (of 3) has been completed from the garboard on up, P/S. Since the next belt will close her up, I took the opportunity to give the inside 2 coats of diluted PVA. I like the way that seals the inside and stiffens her up prior to sanding. With the false deck in place I will obviously not be able to glue the center section but 'two outta three aint bad'. Though most of the planking is 1/8 x 1/16 basswood, I've snuck in some tapered 3/16 x 1/16 in the stern to try and minimize the need for stealers. Will definitely need about 2 drop planks up in the stem. Next will be the 'Super Bowl of Planking'......the 3rd belt. But not before the real game today. My team is in it -- GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!! I'm hoping to leave this lower hull planking a natural, lighter color then that above the wales. All depends on how this next step comes out . Should be there before Spring ---- at least according to today's Groundhog forecast.
  6. Nice grating Wolf. And I also like your decision on not finishing the ship's boat to look like gelcoat. I know some will disagree but in my mind if it's made of wood, it should look so....albeit neatly done! I heard of this great buy on an edge sander..........
  7. If you're going to drill holes and thread them in the wood, it helps to 'harden' the threads with two or three drops of thin CA. It strengthens them quite a bit. Just make sure the CA is completely dry before you put in the screws or threaded rod.
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