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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. last week, I was sitting at my desk, puttering 'round with Jeanne's hull........added the rudder and cemented them together. I did some sanding to the assembly joint.........waiting for paint now.
  2. now she is masted and the shrouds are added. I still need to attach all the chains to the hull. I drilled out the holes for the back stays and have added the rings for the rigging. still thinking of adding a few more elsewhere.
  3. a few other small bits were eliminated also...when this ship glows, it will never be noticed. as for the cannons........well......I have an idea, but it means that I will need to clone a Thermopylae hull. should prove to be very interesting I think I know now....what is to be done with the ratlines/shrouds. to do what is instructed, the slots need to be made wider, so the shrouds can be fitted just below the dead eye lanyards. the rest of what sticks out below, are to be the dead eye chains, fastened to the hull.
  4. when the hull was assembled and most of the deck stuff was added, it sat under the crane light. when I was done mess'in around, I shut everything down.......you should have seen the glow. I eliminated the cannons and shut all the gun ports...later, I will spray the hull with flat clear lacquer, to get rid of the glue marks and give the hull a flat look.
  5. finally got the pictures in........had to feed the camera anyway.....here is the flag. one of the lines came loose, so I had to fix that.......the Dutchman is in the background. got a couple of pictures for her as well......no big hoot, but somewhat neat to see. I did this one as the plans suggested....ran into a few issues, that I didn't when I did the J.R.
  6. I didn't do a complete contents check until a week ago. the overall length of the model is 18 inches long. there are many really small parts, so I'm wondering if P.E. would be needed.....likely doubtful that a set is around for her anyway. the instructions come in two large sheets.....three pages are the actual assembly instructions...the last page being text in different languages and the symbol chart. the hull halves...... ...and the parts to the vessel... the kit comes with the parts for four Gazelle or Super Frelon helicopters......I'll need to figure out which. seen here, the blades are either spread out or retracted for storage. the decal sheet......surprised that there are no decals for the helicopters. I downloaded a Humbrol chart so I could cross reference the colors to model Master. too bad they don't have Humbrol at Hobby Lobby....sure I could find it somewhere. another favorite of mine was Pactra. very few part fell off the sprues.......however at the bottom of the bag, was the flag sheet, chain, and the few parts that did fall off. can't be too careful As mentioned..there are a lot of small parts. hope I don't lose any of them
  7. during the doldrum that I've been on for the last few weeks, my son gave me this neat little model. he bought it at a flea market for $10.00. the model was untouched....all of the parts were still in the plastic bag inside. looking at the condition of the box, I thought it might be an older kit, so I did a bit of digging. there are no mold dates anywhere, other than the 'Heller' embossment on the inside of one of the hull halfs. to my surprise, the kit may only be about five or so years old.......it wasn't immediately listed on the Heller site, but going in a little deeper, showed it along with several other destroyers and battleships. you have to pardon me here.......I'm kind of a history nut when it comes to plastic kits. there are many kits out there that could be considered collector's items.....not that I care that much {I'd likely build the darn thing anyway}, but it's a nice touch of nostalgia. I've built so many plastic models over the years.......Revell is a walk down memory lane for me. I've not built too many Heller kits....that also goes for French ships. I was going to closet this kit.....I know that I have other 'fish' to fry.......but I've seen some really super builds going on here lately. the arms race between Greg and Carl is really cool to watch {my money's on Greg, BTW}.......and Danny.......well, he's taken to card like fish to water...his latest one is gonna be epic! Kevin's HMS Fife is shaping up to be a super looking model......and shares a sort of similarity to the Jeanne D'Arc. the Jeanne D'Arc is a helicopter cruiser and troop transport, all rolled into one. dominated by a large flight deck aftward, she has the capability of launching two Puma, and two Gazelle helicopters or four Super Frelons. during war time, she could house eight to ten helos. I found a really great article on the vessel: http://navalanalyses.blogspot.com/2016/02/warships-of-past-jeanne-darc-helicopter.html built back in the 50's, she was named La Resolue. she wasn't renamed to the Jeanne D'Arc until 1964, when the cruiser of that name was decommissioned.
  8. didn't you tell them, that when bringing the powder kegs below..to be careful! you always thing in the back of your mind........it could have been worse. glad it is minor.....looks to be a quick fix good that you saw the dilemma with the blocks......I didn't fully understand the use of the fiddle block, until I saw the diagram under your work......now it makes perfect sense. being a plastic modeler transitioning into wood {it's been a few years, but I'm still making the jump}, most of the rigging is....like sheets and stays, are usually tied to the yard or mast. in wood modeling, it's more in depth with the use of blocks and includes how the line is terminated or belayed. as is said by all.....we are always learning. superior work.......your getting into some mighty fine detail!
  9. sorry to hear that Gil.....hope you recover real soon. the blocks won't need too much refining.......they look pretty good as they are. the wire is to act as the standing rigging? how will they be belayed?
  10. very well done Kevin.....have you figured how to add the tail section to the helo? all painted up, it's gonna look really good in there! love the interior work you've done in there
  11. jeeze........it's been a while since I last posted any progress on this build. it's been rather hard to concentrate lately....every time I get started on something, some small calamity arises and kills the mood but I've been getting a little done here and there.......I decided to assemble the Flying Dutchman along side this project. since it's made of the glow in the dark plastic, I'm not going to do any painting on it....maybe some of the trim. it's the exact same model as the Jolly Rogers, so I won't get too crazy with it....I have very few of the 1:96 scale blocks, so I will have to rely on the rings supplied in the kit. I have the flag on the Jolly Rogers, so all that's left is the anchors......I'm doing the pudding and stained up some anchor rope. I hope to have the finish on her soon.
  12. nice bit of progress there Carl. what color are you using? quite a P.E. task you got going there
  13. you gotta give yourself a little credit though.......a lot of these parts are as small as the P.E. your using. not to mention the set up and paint wonderful bit of progress there!
  14. you've made some really nice progress since I last looked in I noticed that P.B. struck again.......haven't used them in quite some time. got fed up and began storing all my pictures on memory stick. I size my pictures down by 30% so I can post them......for my blog logs I don't have to..they have auto sizing. glad to see youfound another way to post them......really enjoy see'in your progress not sure if I'd have the patience for such a complicated model.
  15. you've made quite a bit of progress since I last looked in super looking build John!
  16. the structure looks really good.......glad to see your back! good to hear there wasn't much damage.
  17. Wow E.J. the pot side came out great! the starboard side looks to be off to a good start have a super holiday my friend.....look forward to seeing the finish when you get back
  18. Ahoy Dan....Happy Birthday!   hope you had a great day :) 

    1. Dan Vadas

      Dan Vadas

      Thanks Popeye, I spent about 11 hours working on Bismarck. I call that a great day :D.


      :cheers:  Danny

  19. I'm not sure if the 1:96 instruction sheets would give you any ideas. if you'd like to see them: https://cuttysarkdrydock.wordpress.com/2011/11/25/revell-u-s-s-united-states-196-scale/ perhaps the difference in scale will show you something you may not have seen. what your doing looks very good
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