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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. there isn't much snow left around here.........hopefully we won't see any more. take it slow on the shoveling Borge!
  2. I don't think it 'adds' to the ship..........it 'is' the ship. that is some fantastic work you've done there
  3. so, hopefully you are all caught up now........we can see progress. very well done! you know, I meant to comment on the lament of the bow decals. I wouldn't be too unhappy with the chain overlays.........think of it as 'layered detail'. looking forward to the finish
  4. something this small definitely has to be a pain to do, using this method. it looks good, but try to do a solid hull and compare
  5. I wouldn't worry too much......if 'he who shall not be named' did that, his shipyard would be too busy to even lift a sail!
  6. hello there Borge.......as I mentioned, I don't know how your gonna better 'perfect'..........I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
  7. thank you Eric for the exibition....I'm digg'in that wood grain yes Keith........I'm in the process of clearing up the nearly finished builds that I have....then I can devote some real time on her thanks....
  8. rigging I've never seen before.......even at 1:96 scale.....superb workmanship.......emphasize the word 'ship'!
  9. that's a fair bit of progress Rusty........very nicely done. you do such wonderful work
  10. either NCIS or SUV.........both are crime dramas. I'd play music, but if I heard a cool song, I'd want to pull out my bass and play along.
  11. I have a lot of that cotton thread, that I've gotten from the Billing kits........I find that it fuzzes out too much. I've never used the bees wax and wonder if it sets well with different glues. I have stretched and treated it in this way.....not to get it sopping wet, but enough to dampen it. apply it with a sponge and let it dry a bit before using it. surely....give it a try and see if this method works for your particular problem.
  12. you could set them up........and weight them, after washing them down with diluted white glue. I know a lot of folks use the bees wax for their lines, but it's the only thing I can think of at the moment
  13. so, is this your plan.......to take each hull and do the separate deck levels on each. that would be a huge undertaking, my friend....and so very........very cool! your not kidding Mark........it was Dafi that inspired me to do what I'm going to do with the United States build I might not be able to do what he's doing........but it will look 100% better than if it was done with the plastic decks.........your work is outstanding Daniel....and you research is superb!
  14. with that set up you've done, as long as the rudder is the same thickness as the stern post.....it would come out nice. you have the shape down very well........
  15. nice looking rigging Patrick.......she's really a beaut! gonna throw a party with all that Hooche? I got a Mr. Beer kit for Christmas....I already made the batch that came with it.......it was pretty good.....not much of a kick though. do you do it from start to finish?
  16. yea.....I know! I thought I was at the end of your log.........I posted and all this extra showed up! man........your fast.......and very .....VERY good! now........if I hit 'post'.........am I going to see a ton more? I hope so!
  17. it's quite simple my friend.........you'll get those ciphers on in the usual 'Dafi' way! good to see your log is back.......well updated and under way. I had a tough go.......doing my logs........getting back all the builds I was following, and keep the Wharf running. I'll look forward in following the inventive mind of Dr. Dafi
  18. I have only one ship in mind at the moment...........but I need to reduce the 'clutter' I'm getting the F-15 out of the way at the moment, and then the last few things for the Lobsie twins. I have the sails for the AmericA on my desk, waiting for the reef lines. once these are done.....I'll be on the Goth! I dunno........I'm looking forward towards retirement......you think i have a bunch of builds now........... LOL! I thought you were on the lookout for a Supply kit? I thought that I saw Mamoli has one.
  19. I was right!!!! that looks awesome all framed out! splendid job Sherry! you can see the love and effort in it.....a simply superb job!
  20. adding in the little details like these, is what make this build so interesting Gil. your build is the first that I've ever seen of these........so cool!
  21. hello Marc, looking over your build, I found very interesting. I don't think there is a kit made, that someone hasn't bashed one aspect or another. I've found that we all have a tecnique that is unique, and we're willing to share with others. it's always refreshing to try out new things, especially if the outcome yeilds the same result. do continue with your build.........it would be cool to see what else you might encounter, and your methods for resolve.
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