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Posted (edited)


to my question of the lanyards for the dead eyes as described in the last post I found another picture.
This shows the lanyards of Le Rivoli from 1807. Here is also
to see this method of securing the lanyards.

Is there really no one who can give me more information about this?


Excuse me, but I don't have a higher-resolution image. I hope you can see it.


Edited by archjofo


Based on your research, I think you have found your answer. Plate 56 above and the pictures of the contemporary model seem to show it pretty clearly that the "lanyard" reeves or is threaded through like in your experiments and lashed onto itself like you did on your example to the left. You have both published evidence and contemporary model proof for your time period.




Able bodied seaman, subject to the requirements of the service.

"I may very well sink, but I'm damned if I'll Strike!" JPJ


My Pacific Northwest Discovery Series:

On the slipways in the lumberyard

Union, 1792 - 1:48 scale - POF Scratch build

18th Century Longboat - circa 1790 as used in the PNW fur trade - FINISHED


Future Builds (Wish List)

Columbia Redidiva, 1787

HM Armed Tender Chatham, 1788

HMS Discovery, 1789 Captain Vancouver

Santiago, 1775 - Spanish Frigate of Explorer Bruno de Hezeta

Lady Washington, 1787 - Original Sloop Rig



I'm glad you're still interested in my report.
Thank you very much for that.

The last guide blocks were attached to the inside of the bulwark in the waterway.  
In total I have now made 43 blocks (single, double and triple blocks).
In addition a picture of the front area of the battery deck:


Now in the next step I can attach the ratelines as soon as I have a decision to secure the lanyards.


The passion in your work is admirable and that is why we love it!

Completed.... Charles W. Morgan,Sea Horse,USS Constitution,Virginia 1819,San Fransisco II, AL HMS Bounty 1:48

L'Herminione 1:96

Spanish Frigate,22 cannons 18th C. 1:35 scale.Scratch-built (Hull only)

Cutter Cheefull 1806 1:48 (with modifications)


Current Project: Orca (This is a 35" replica of the Orca boat from the movie Jaws)

Posted (edited)

@Captain Poison
Thank you for your interest and the nice comment.

Thanks to all the others for the LIKES.



in the last report the caps for the elavation thread are still missing on the carronades.
As you can see below, I make them from brass.



Edited by archjofo
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


here are two pictures to complement the previous report on travellers for the jib boom and the flying jib boom.


Quelle: Rundhölzer, Tauwerk und Segel – Klaus Schrage, Tafel 59


Quelle: Rundhölzer, Tauwerk und Segel – Klaus Schrage, Tafel 60


Edited by archjofo

I just discovered your build log. The extremely high level of detail and craftsmanship you have achieved is astonishing. To someone like me who has only begun ship modeling fairly recently, it is almost beyond imagination that you can achieve this level of accuracy on such a small scale. Simply fantastic! 

Bob Garcia

"Measure once, cuss twice!"


Current Builds: 

Hms Brig-Sloop Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models

Pen Duick - Artesania Latina 1:28


Completed: Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Co. 

Member of the Nautical Research Guild




  • 1 month later...


first of all thank you Bob for your positive comment and all the others also for the LIKES.

I had a short break.
Picking up where I left off.
The Travellers were often dressed in leather to protect the wood.
For this I found the following:



Source: The Naval Officer's Guide for Preparing Ships for Sea - Lt. C. Martelli_1838


We'll see how it goes.

Posted (edited)


I would like to add to my previous report. 
Some time ago I already showed  LINK (scroll down) the use of thinnest leather for the rigg.
The real leather has a thickness of about 0.2 mm, self split.



Edited by archjofo

Lovely jig you made to split the leather at such tickness, I should say "thinness"


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...


Posted (edited)



Hello, many thanks for the nice comments.

Also many thanks for the LIKES.


Here I continue with the report as follows:


Today I will try a longer description.

I hope that I express myself somewhat understandable, because my english is not so good.

Lanyards of the deadeyes - ridages des caps de mouton

Because I could not find any clear indications for securing the shrouds' lanyards for La Créole. I would like to pick up where I left off a long time ago.

In the meantime I took care of some details, like remaining guide blocks on the bulwark, protective caps for the carronades and the travellers.

Further extensive research and the study of many contemporary models concerning the securing of the lanyards for the shrouds brought me to the conclusion that there are many different types of construction, which can be seen depending on the era, but also were handled differently in different countries.


As I also noticed, I think that many modelers do not pay enough attention to this detail. 
In this respect, I think it is a pity if on a sailing ship from the beginning of the 19th century the securing of the lanyards is the same as one before 1800.

Surely some will say that these details were often left to the taste of the commander, which may have been the situation in individual cases. But especially in the Navy there were standards that can be read in the relevant contemporary literature.



Source: Musée de la Marine Paris - Le Suffren 1829



Source: Musée de la Marine Paris - La Crèole  

As can be seen very well on the above picture of the 1:20 scale model of Le Suffren, the lanyards is looped twice around the shroud rope from behind. In the case of La Créole it is even twice in the bow direction, as it is also the case with the contemporary model of Le Rivoli. I already showed this example some time ago.
What the viewer cannot see is how the end of the rope is ultimately secured. The then and later always common variant, where the ends of the lanyards were tied to the rope several times (see the following illustration), could not be seen on either Le Suffren or La Creole. 

Up to now I was not able to find a corresponding photo of the rear side of the upper dead eyes with the securing of the lanyards.
So I continued my search to find information how the securing of the end of the lanyard could have ended behind the dead eyes.  After a long search I finally found it. On the following picture the shrouds of the Great Eastern are to be seen from board. As you can see, the shortened ends of the lanyards were secured with two seizings.

Source: Wikimedia - Captain Harrison of the Great Eastern - 1859

This could also have been the case with La Créole, Le Rivoli and Le Suffren. At least, there is some evidence for it, as the following picture detail shows, which I could find out meanwhile. It shows a dead eye of the contemporary model of Le Suffren from the bulwark.  I mean to recognize a short end of a lanyard.

Source: Musée de la Marine Paris - Le Suffren 1829


Unfortunately, I do not have any better picture material that could give clarity. 
Nevertheless, I will try a test for the model to be able to make a decision in the end.


To be continued ... 


Edited by archjofo
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Thomas,
thank you for your extremely well-intentioned comment.
I was very pleased, of course also about the many LIKES.


Hello dear model building friends, 
here it goes on with small steps.

I make the ratlines on my own rope making machine from japanese silk yarn 100/2 (2 x 3), which gives a rope diameter of 0,35 mm.



After the preparations, the first ratlines were made.  




Hello Johann,


a wonderful job of yours.

I am always enthusiastic about your model and the precise execution.

Question, you have colored the ratlines?

Ivan Trtanj told me once that the ratlines, although standing rigging,

were never paved.

(Google Translator)


Hallo Johann,

eine wunderschöne Arbeit von dir.

Ich bin immer wieder begeistert von deinem Modell und der präzisen Ausführung.

Frage, hast du die Webleinen gefärbt?

Ivan Trtanj erklärte mir mal, daß die Webleinen (obwohl stehendes Gut)

nicht gefärbt (geteert) waren.





Posted (edited)




Many thanks for your kind remarks, and thanks to all others for the LIKES.


Slowly it becomes clear to me, why I pressed myself around the beginning to weave the ratlines. But steadily and laboriously I work my way up the shrouds.
There are even some fellow modellers who claim that this work can be mediative and very relaxing. But unfortunately I have not felt any of that so far.
Therefore the motto is: Hold on!

On the following picture you can see the current status of the ratlines for shrouds and the passage.




Johann, your work sets a standard for us all to aspire to.  Marvelous craftsmanship and attention to detail. 
Question:  For the numerous spliced eyes like on the ends of the rat lines, are they actually spliced, or due to the small size, only simulated with the loop ends glued together and serving around the joined ends?




Able bodied seaman, subject to the requirements of the service.

"I may very well sink, but I'm damned if I'll Strike!" JPJ


My Pacific Northwest Discovery Series:

On the slipways in the lumberyard

Union, 1792 - 1:48 scale - POF Scratch build

18th Century Longboat - circa 1790 as used in the PNW fur trade - FINISHED


Future Builds (Wish List)

Columbia Redidiva, 1787

HM Armed Tender Chatham, 1788

HMS Discovery, 1789 Captain Vancouver

Santiago, 1775 - Spanish Frigate of Explorer Bruno de Hezeta

Lady Washington, 1787 - Original Sloop Rig




the current status for the installation of ratlines is as follows:


DSC00290.thumb.jpg.54a3ac3596b702cb3861d0864261a9d0.jpgI almost forgot the futtock staves and the catharpins. These should have been mounted before the ratlines.


I am currently preparing the components for this.



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