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Le Coureur 1776 by UdoK - CAF - 1/48 - POF

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Seems that I'am one of the first who opens a buildlog of the CAF Le Coureur kit..


Unlike other buildlogs I will not start with a extensive kit review since this can be seen in other threads, like the one from CAF

My kit has been arrived after 6 days from the reception of the shipping notification to door delivery, very fast!

The kit was very well packed to ensure a safe transport.


Before the construction starts, here are a few thoughts as per today about my intentions on how to show the model.

I will try to display the Coureur as she appeared in 1776, just before the capture of the English navy.

For reference I will follow the Ancre monograph.

I want to show as much interieur as possible without neglecting too many details like masts, rigging and deck furniture. How this task turns out in detail will be determined throughout the construction as it progresses.









Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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Hi Udo,

glad to see that everthing was o.k. Via CAF Ad, I also got notice of the kit which seems to be very sophisticated. However, I was a bit puzzled by the CAF Webite which looked a bit semiprofessional. Nevertheless, the coureur is on my list. I am eager to read your report and critics.


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48 minutes ago, Clark said:

I was a bit puzzled by the CAF Webite ...

Hello Clark, before buying from CAF I contacted Tom via messages on this forum and he is extremely helpful. Even though I only ordered some of his smaller kits( like the longboat) he offered to help in any way once I start. I believe the website is 'work in progress' and he concentrates on kits.

Looking forward to all these CAF builds!








A model shipwright and an amateur historian are heads & tails of the same coin

current builds:

HMS Berwick 1775, 1/192 scratchbuild; a Slade 74 in the Navy Board style

Mediator sloop, 1/48 - an 18th century transport scratchbuild 

French longboat - CAF - 1/48, on hold

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Well, construction starts...


I'am following the instructions which are asking for the keel assembly as the first step.


The required keel parts are located on two lasercut plates 9 and 10. It is very gratifying that both panels are of the same exact thickness, just under 4mm.

All parts are already pre tapered on both sides to form the rabbet. It is only a little more sanding and fine tuning on the tapering required.

After the usual activities of cleaning and removal of the laser char the accuracy of the joints is excellent.

To highlight the finished joints I have painted all edges both sides with a pencil 6B.






Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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41 minutes ago, JJT said:

Good to see your build log. I will start mine soon also.

Thanks James, excellent  that you are going to do a professional kit Review here.


Jeff, good to hear that you are just about to start your build.




Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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The keel assembly has been completed and cleaned up finally.

Removing laser char is a real pain, but much more to go for the frame construction.


Next chapter of the instructions are calling for the frame construction, I will skip this and rather continue with the building cradle assembly. This to have a safe storage for the keel and frames to come.


The inspector of construction ia already onsite and satisfied with the progress so far.










Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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Exciting kits. I am glad that multiple threads of these CAF models, will be started. 


In the old days, certain kits were pre-cut with water jets, which does not leave any charcoal marks on the parts. It is unfortunate that this technology is not used more or no longer used in the kit industry.

I suspect that the water cutting machines are a lot more expensive and bulky than the laser cutting machines.



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On 9/15/2020 at 7:32 AM, James H said:

I'll be starting as soon

So this one might take you a week to build rather than your usual 4 days 😂😁




Current Build: HMS Winchelsea
Completed Builds: HM Flirt (paused) HM Cutter CheerfulLady NelsonAmati HMS Vanguard,  
HMS Pegasus, Fair American, HM Granado, HM Pickle, AVS, Pride of Baltimore, Bluenose

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Thanks for your interest and Likes!


I have started to take care for the building cradle parts and it's construction.

The base plates B1 – B5 have been screwed down to a solid board as per the instructions.

The keel has been placed and Plywood pieces A and C so far are only cleaned up and dryfitted,

Most of the parts A1 – A7 are not holding tight the keel laterally, I will install some additional guides to hold the keel in position firmly.

The stem post pattern part A8 requires some grinding to fit the contour of the lower stem and it's proper spot in the cradle.


Instruction manual 1, figure 19 shows the installation of the two end plates E1 and E2. Unfortunately both pieces are missing in my kit. I will check out if it is possible to create a solid and accurate cradle without the pieces.

More to come....
















Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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31 minutes ago, James H said:

I had those parts missing in my kit, but Tom is sending them straight over.

Thanks James, good to hear.

I will contact Tom as well.




Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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I have send an message to CAFmodel, Tom concerning the missing Parts E1 and E2.

He replied right away with the information that he will send out the pieces immediately.

That's what I'am calling a outstanding customer service........


The construction of the building cradle will be suspended until arrival of the pieces.


Construction of the frames has been started with the first full frame number 4.

In the first step of cleaning up and sanding the frames I have used my disc sander to sand the pieces front and end smooth.

Afterwards the individual pieces are properly aligned over the drawing and clued together.


For sure it will provide a lot of fun to clean up the laser char and sanding all the clinker planking teeth into shape on all the frames.












Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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Meanwhile the missing parts E are already arrived, 5 days after sending the message to Tom.

Another sign that Tom is really concerned about customer satisfaction....


So, the building cradle has been completed, just dryfitted.

The perfection and fit of the lasercut joints is really remarkable. Beside removing some laser char here and there and sanding the curvature on piece A8, no major sanding or adaption were required.

The clamps are only in usage because some of the plywood pieces are a bit twisted, but not really an issue.

Next is to fix the construction with glue.








Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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Building cradle completed....


All joints has been brushed up with wood glue, reinforcement pieces are installed on some edges on where I thought it will appropriate to stiffen the parts.

As the instruction manual 2 instructs a conversion of the building cradle after the hull planking is completed, I made the top of the building cradle removable from the base plate to ease the modification.


Now, since all full frames 4 to 36 are glued up and waiting for sanding and beveling, the real fun starts.









Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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Very nice. This kit is on my list of possible future projects. I‘m curious how it will turn out..

Current Build:

HM Brig Badger 1/48 from Caldercraft plans

Le Coureur 1/48 by CAF

Completed Build:

Armed Virginia Sloop 1/48 by Model Shipways / Gallery
HM Cutter Sherbourne 1/64 by Caldercraft / Gallery

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Will be watching this build closely. How are the instructions for this kit? I've also sent along a private message as I'm keen to see the modifications you've made with your Proxxon saw.

Built & De-Commissioned: HMS Endeavour (Corel), HMS Unicorn (Corel),

Abandoned: HMS Bounty (AL)

Completed : Wappen Von Hamburg (Corel), Le Renommee (Euromodel)... on hold

Current WIP: Berlin by Corel

On Shelf:  HMS Bounty (Billings),



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  • 2 weeks later...

First frames are cleaned up and sanded...

I have started with frames 20 and 21 to get a feeling for the numerous steps on the frames as the center frames are not subject to any bevelling.

The employment of electric rotating tools is very limited at this stage and can only be used on the frames inner side. All the steps must be sanded with needle files and small sanding sticks.


34 more full frames to go, this will keep me busy for a while







Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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great project and you’ve got a good start!  It will be fun to watch.  I’ve got the kit now and am keen to see you approach to construction steps.

Given how delicate the frames are at this stage it seems like it will be a challenge to clamp them while you fair the tops of the frames.  Have you done any bevelling on the frames near the bow or stern yet?


Current BuildsBluenose II - AKrabbenkutter / Prince de Neufchatel / Essex Cross-section / Syren / Barque Stefano / Winchelsea / Half Hull / Maria HF31 - Dusek / Bandirma - Turkmodel

On the Shelf: Santisima Trinidad and Cross Section / HMS Cutter Alert / Tender AVOS / Confederacy

Suspended Build: Bluenose II - Billing Boats Nr 600 

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Must be a great kit, already Sold Out! And before I could get one ordered...  Doug did the ships boat and the Barrels, boxes and sailors mini kits come with your kit? 

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Hi Lou.  The ship’s boat (cutter  part no L130) was the only extra (other than a rotary cutter that I’m concerned will never float!).  No little people.  I had ordered a set barrels and a cutter (different version that used a moulded hull to form the ribs on).


It will be interesting to me to find out which cutter (excluding the rotary 🤪) turns out to be easiest to assemble.  I’ve had ship’s boats  from Model Expo, Dusek and Master Korabel so far.  Two of them were fun to build.








Current BuildsBluenose II - AKrabbenkutter / Prince de Neufchatel / Essex Cross-section / Syren / Barque Stefano / Winchelsea / Half Hull / Maria HF31 - Dusek / Bandirma - Turkmodel

On the Shelf: Santisima Trinidad and Cross Section / HMS Cutter Alert / Tender AVOS / Confederacy

Suspended Build: Bluenose II - Billing Boats Nr 600 

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2 hours ago, ASAT said:

Must be a great kit, already Sold Out! And before I could get one ordered...  Doug did the ships boat and the Barrels, boxes and sailors mini kits come with your kit? 

Mine was a preorder and came with all the extras.



In progress:
Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Company -1/2" scale

USS Constitution - Model Shipways - Scale 1:76

HMS Granado - CAF Model - 1:48

HMS Sphinx - Vanguard

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I guess RHIP at MSW too huh Jeff? Moderator privilege pffft!! - you should get on your knees and beg forgiveness for the years of exclusivity and exorbitant pay that you have received just for being a Moderator  at MSW!! 🤑 😂 😂

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17 hours ago, Heronguy said:


Given how delicate the frames are at this stage it seems like it will be a challenge to clamp them while you fair the tops of the frames.  Have you done any bevelling on the frames near the bow or stern yet?

You are right, caution must be taken for sanding and clamping not to break them.

I have started at the center frames and work my way up to the stern first. Frame 23 is the first one who requires some slight bevelling. 

When the frame parts have been aligned and glued together precisely, the laser marks provide a good template for bevelling.





Current builds:

Le Coureur 1776 - CAFmodel 1/48

VOC Retourship Batavia

Boston Typhoon steam trawler 1/32


Research/Side Projects/On Hold:

H.M. Bark Endeavour 

HMS Bounty 1787




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