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So I am so close to listing the first two chapters folks.   Maybe Sunday or Monday.  I have one test shipment going out to get an idea of shipping across the country.  Once I know that I will list the remaining sets I have made for sale on the site.


I have one favor to ask....Please read below.


I am NOT limiting production so no need to jump on this.  In fact if you are not ready to start a build log and start building immediately I would ask that you wait for the next batch of chapter sets.  Seriously asking here.  If you are currently working on a model and are several months or even a year away from starting Speedwell,  It would suck for these to sit on a shelf.  Especially when I know of at least ten guys who are waiting patiently to begin building Speedwell right now.  I know some of you are more than a year away from starting so please dont buy from this batch.  I will be making more consistently for the next few months before I start even thinking about making chapter 3 parts.  There will be plenty of opportunity.  Let the guys ready to start building get first crack at these please.


Also if I havent mentioned it....this will be a big model.   If you plan on rigging her it will be 52" long or thereabouts.....and about 40" tall.   The hull unrigged is 32" long.   So keep this in mind.  Remember its a 3/8" scale model.  A big girl.....


The chapter sets will come with printed plans.   Sheets one and two with the first chapter of parts.   The remaining will come with the chapter sets when needed.  Here are a few just to give you an idea.







Thanks for the update...👍

Till next time.....     😎



Finished:              Artesania Latina Constellation;   Model Shipways USF Confederacy:  Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Company

Current Build:     Syren's Winchelsea 


I am ready to start building. Great to hear I won’t have to get plans printed at Office Depot. So she is basically same size as Winnie. So looking forward to a project, hope I am up to it. 


Jim Rogers


Damn the Torpedoes , Full speed ahead.   Adm David Farragut.


Rick...You gave up on Cheerful? 


And one more thing....Every person who gets one these has to start a build log!!!  Its a requirement, LOL.   No hiding in the shop.  I want to see these projects progress.


Given up, no. I had a major flood disaster in my workshop that required a foundation rebuild. Working with insurance wasn’t fun and things stalled for a while.  But now things are settled and back in place, so I’m ready to go. While I’m still very enthusiastic about Cheerful, a POF like Speedwell has been a bee in my bonnet for a long time and nothing out there has captured my POF excitement until your Speedwell came along. Besides, having worked in the aerospace industry for over 40 years, your approach and design aspect's are extremely appealing to the detailed side of me. And yes, a build log will be created. Thank you.

Best Regards …. Rick


My daughter was very complimentary about my latest model.  But she said I had to put something on the table.  It looked too bare and boring.   So not wanting to disappoint my lovely daughter I added some laser cut books.   Yes that is a very very tiny Seawatch book about Speedwell Volume 1 I believe.   Great reading while at sail on those quiet evenings!!


The cupola really isnt that shiny....its just the very bright overhead light and the photo camera lights.  It is actually much darker and subdued.  I think.  LOL.



The books are just 1/4" tall so very very very tiny.  Cleaned up after laser cutting and ready for a printed cover scaled down....But here you see them in the raw state.   These are right off the laser cutter and just sanded to remove the char.  The close ups are brutal but they look really good at regular viewing.  About the size of your fingernail.




The books are a great addition - really personalizes the model.

Kurt Van Dahm






Nautical Research & Model Ship Society of Chicago

Midwest Model Shipwrights

North Shore Deadeyes

The Society of Model Shipwrights

Butch O'Hare - IPMS

2 hours ago, Chuck said:

My daughter was very complimentary about my latest model.  But she said I had to put something on the table.  It looked too bare and boring.   So not wanting to disappoint my lovely daughter I added some laser cut books.   Yes that is a very very tiny Seawatch book about Speedwell Volume 1 I believe.   Great reading while at sail on those quiet evenings!!


The cupola really isnt that shiny....its just the very bright overhead light and the photo camera lights.  It is actually much darker and subdued.  I think.  LOL.



The books are just 1/4" tall so very very very tiny.  Cleaned up after laser cutting and ready for a printed cover scaled down....But here you see them in the raw state.   These are right off the laser cutter and just sanded to remove the char.  The close ups are brutal but they look really good at regular viewing.  About the size of your fingernail.



I am trying to figure out lanterns. Running the wires and keeping them hidden will be the trick. Chuck you can’t just tease us with the furniture and other items, please make them available.


Jim Rogers


Damn the Torpedoes , Full speed ahead.   Adm David Farragut.


Wow - I know you said this was going to be a very detailed model - but damn....

Love the details.  Hope the will be part of the kit - or at least available. 

Awesome stuff....

Till next time.....     😎



Finished:              Artesania Latina Constellation;   Model Shipways USF Confederacy:  Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Company

Current Build:     Syren's Winchelsea 

Posted (edited)

Next up, mini animatronic people moving about the cabin. 

Nice about your daughter, my kids just ask when will I float my Winchelsea in the pool. 

Edited by glbarlow




Current Build: Royal Barge, Medway Long Boat
Completed Builds: HMS Winchelsea HM Flirt (paused) HM Cutter CheerfulLady NelsonAmati HMS Vanguard,  
HMS Pegasus, Fair American, HM Granado, HM Pickle, AVS, Pride of Baltimore, Bluenose

On 3/14/2024 at 4:25 PM, Chuck said:



So I am so close to listing the first two chapters folks.   Maybe Sunday or Monday.  I have one test shipment going out to get an idea of shipping across the country.  Once I know that I will list the remaining sets I have made for sale on the site.


I have one favor to ask....Please read below.


I am NOT limiting production so no need to jump on this.  In fact if you are not ready to start a build log and start building immediately I would ask that you wait for the next batch of chapter sets.  Seriously asking here.  If you are currently working on a model and are several months or even a year away from starting Speedwell,  It would suck for these to sit on a shelf.  Especially when I know of at least ten guys who are waiting patiently to begin building Speedwell right now.  I know some of you are more than a year away from starting so please dont buy from this batch.  I will be making more consistently for the next few months before I start even thinking about making chapter 3 parts.  There will be plenty of opportunity.  Let the guys ready to start building get first crack at these please.


Also if I havent mentioned it....this will be a big model.   If you plan on rigging her it will be 52" long or thereabouts.....and about 40" tall.   The hull unrigged is 32" long.   So keep this in mind.  Remember its a 3/8" scale model.  A big girl.....


The chapter sets will come with printed plans.   Sheets one and two with the first chapter of parts.   The remaining will come with the chapter sets when needed.  Here are a few just to give you an idea.






Thanks for the update, 

I do need and want this, but i can wait 

Do to my rebuilding my house and also

Building new work shop etc and etc 

So i think in end of the year am ready to order 😉



Keep checking my site...I will be adding a couple more each day or so if I can manage.   Two more sets just now added.  But no rush for you Frank...You have a long way to go on Winnie yet. 



12 minutes ago, Chuck said:

Keep checking my site...I will be adding a couple more each day or so if I can manage.   Two more sets just now added.  But no rush for you Frank...You have a long way to go on Winnie yet. 



Yes, I just read you will be cutting more in the future, so no worries. I totally understand and agree to let the guys ready to start Speedwell now buy the first batches.
I was just flabbergasted I saw the first two chapters being listed and sold out at the same time when I woke up Monday morning...hahaha...but, good for you, you fully deserve it Chuck!


Current builds on MSW:

HMS Winchelsea 1:48

Prior builds on MSW:


On 3/14/2024 at 4:25 PM, Chuck said:



So I am so close to listing the first two chapters folks.   Maybe Sunday or Monday.  I have one test shipment going out to get an idea of shipping across the country.  Once I know that I will list the remaining sets I have made for sale on the site.


I have one favor to ask....Please read below.


I am NOT limiting production so no need to jump on this.  In fact if you are not ready to start a build log and start building immediately I would ask that you wait for the next batch of chapter sets.  Seriously asking here.  If you are currently working on a model and are several months or even a year away from starting Speedwell,  It would suck for these to sit on a shelf.  Especially when I know of at least ten guys who are waiting patiently to begin building Speedwell right now.  I know some of you are more than a year away from starting so please dont buy from this batch.  I will be making more consistently for the next few months before I start even thinking about making chapter 3 parts.  There will be plenty of opportunity.  Let the guys ready to start building get first crack at these please.


Also if I havent mentioned it....this will be a big model.   If you plan on rigging her it will be 52" long or thereabouts.....and about 40" tall.   The hull unrigged is 32" long.   So keep this in mind.  Remember its a 3/8" scale model.  A big girl.....


The chapter sets will come with printed plans.   Sheets one and two with the first chapter of parts.   The remaining will come with the chapter sets when needed.  Here are a few just to give you an idea.






hi Chuck!
Would it be possible to buy just the drawings?
Is a monograph planned?


Not really...there are no drawings of the frames in the kit plans because they are not needed.  All the frame parts are laser cut.  The other plan sheets will be released however as PDF docs....


But yes there are plans available at 1/4" scale in the seawatch books.   They are included in the two volume set.   They are of course slightly different than my approach but everything you need is in those two sets for a scratch build.   




Decided not to work today and instead start working on the fcastle beams.


Its basically the same as establishing the height for the gundeck beams and deck clamps.  There is a template provided for you.  But yes you can measure it any way you feel comfortable.   Trace the bottom of the template in pencil.  



The line you just drew will become the TOP of the deck clamp for the fcastle beams.   I will repeat that...The top edge of the deck clamp.  


Once the deck clamp is in position which is a small length of 1/4" x 1/16" cedar strip,  we can proceed with the first deck beams.   There are two we must contend with first.   One is a gundeck beam....and the one above that is the first fcsatle beam.  They are both 1/4" deep but the fcastle beam on top is much thinner.  Those beams were not as heavy.



In the photo above you can see how the aft edge of these two beams are all flush with the riding bitts.  This is important.  The riding bitts are not glued in position yet and we can use them to establish the position of both beams.   The beams must of course be cleaned of char and cut to length so they sit nicely on to of the deck clamps for them.  These two beams can be glued in position but still refrain from gluing the riding bitts in place.  Also do not glue in the fire hearth yet.   Although this will sit flush against both beams and can help you position them as well.



Next up I will start working on the remaining 3 fcastle deck beams but I wont glue them in position just yet.





One of the benefits of working at 1/32" scale is of course the size.  I think its easier to handle the parts and keep things neat and tidy.  But in addition to that you can really get a lot of details in there.  Stuff I would never attempt to add on smaller scales.  Further, 1/32 and better yet 1/35 scale is a very popular modeling scale.  There are so many aftermarket parts and details available for builders at this scale.  This includes figures and accessories.  Like the small cups and pitcher.   Its all readily available on Etsy or Ebay.   Its also fun to just look.   I am waiting on a few other things I made add.  


The barrels are Syren barrels.   I am also getting some new ones in stock I think you guys will like.   It might be a while though.



The checker is still very tiny but that is laser cut by me including small very teensy checkers.  The stools are also laser cut in cedar and very differnt from the cushy chairs in the great cabin for the officers.


checkerboard 1-32 scale.jpg

The cups and tea cups and teapot are all 3d prints from EBAY.  They were cheap and there are so many to choose from....you can add crates and boxes full of food and pots and pans and utensils. Its really just up to you and how much fun you might want to have with it.



The officer in the great cabin is from Vanguard.  It had a tall hat so I removed that and just shaped some hair in the traditional pony tail of the day.   I didnt want to really paint these items as I want them to all fade into the background.  I want to keep it all very suggestive and simple.   So rather than paint everything with realistic coloring with all the uniform colors and fanfare,  I am just finishing all this stuff as if it was wood color...and carved.   Its a minimalist approach so the ship itself takes center stage.  But it will all be covered and just barely visible when the decks are planked.  But still you might just get a glimpse and a happy surprise if you look hard enough.   I think it will be fun.


cupola16.jpgI do actually have a few more 1/32 and 1/35 scale odds and ends coming in the mail.    We shall see if they make the cut and I add them to the model.  I dont want to over do it.  For all you guys who would do the same...try and stick with 1/35 scale details.  They are plentiful and just a tad smaller and look better on the model.







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