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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Adam, Between you and Chris, I think you pretty well summed it up. Maybe instead of calling them "skill levels" on the kits, they should be called "confidence levels".
  2. I'd think that with stainless, water wouldn't be and issue... hmm... seal the ends of the shrink tubing with some epoxy paint???
  3. Michael, Shakespear? Tourettes? If I can download it, I'll email it to you.
  4. Welcome to MSW. If you'll go here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-plans-and-research.php which is in the Article area, you'll find several excellent articles on kit selection and what to expect. Also you can browse around the buildlog area and get an idea of what's involved. The one thing to keep in mind is to select a project that you really want to build. You'll be more likely to get through the frustrating parts.
  5. Hi Robbyn, I wondered where you and the crowd went... since I'm late to the party as usual, I go stand in the back and wait for someone to get up to get popcorn then grab their chair. Seriously, I'm looking forward to following along. And I promise not to steal anyone's seat. BTW, we've been having heavy rains and winds for the last week and they've been moving east... so you guys will probably have some more coming your way because it's still rainy and windy here.
  6. Ben, Thanks for that thought... I just did only here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2397-lhermione-replica-french-frigate/
  7. Daryl, Since this a scratch build log, I've moved it to the proper place. Looks very interesting.
  8. Beautiful planking, Juergen. The channel wales came out really well with the anchor stock planks and the row of hook scarf.
  9. Hi Juergen, Here's the webpage: http://www.hermione.com/ There's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Le-chantier-Hermione-Lafayette/185262083157 And if you go to Youtube, there's a lot of videos. Some by the builders, others by visitors. It's a pretty fascinating project.
  10. Mobbsie, While I still feel it's a sin to cover that beautiful planking, I'll be here pulling for you on the coppering. A lot of plates but I don't think you would have started this if you didn't think you could master the challenge.
  11. Good for you Robbyn. Keep plugging away until you're happy with it otherwise it sit there and mock you forever.
  12. Nice work on the Bismarck and all the fiddly bits. Man, those are tiny!!!
  13. Ah, but it's the gingerbread that makes these riverboats special. From the pictures out there, they may look similar but the details give them their personality. Lovely work on your details, Andrieke. Nice fix on the railing.
  14. Mario, I've been following the L'Hermione for sometime now. They have a bunch of great videos on Youtube which have given me some insight...
  15. Nice work on the planking and treenails, Sherry. Looks great.
  16. Matt, That small and it's planked. I find this amazing and very well done.
  17. Revier, Nice work on the pumps. They gave me a problem but you did them well.
  18. Mike, You lost me on that one...
  19. Thanks gentlemen for the nice words. Kevin, I'd start with something with less guns than a 74. But that's just me... The Alfred or maybe the Billy Ruffian is on my bucket list, though. Aldo and Micheal, Perhaps the best way to explain these pumps is with a video...
  20. I must say this is an interesting turn of events. But it should be interesting to watch. Good for you being brave enough and thoughtful enough to scrap parts of your build and go for the simplest solution.
  21. All these great builds going on and you have a great method to keep the parts sorted... I thought it was part elves did that for you. That is a great idea.
  22. Zyxuz, I just caught up with your log. There's some very nice work going on here. The wales and lighting are making this ship special. Very impressive build.
  23. I think you could pull that one off. As I recall they were made of tubing? Maybe just use some styrene. If you can't find plans, use pictures. you can probably scale your rack from a known object in the picture.
  24. Tim, Make some is the easiest answer. Use dowel of the appropriate size and work from there. Or... check with your local hobby store for model railroad barrels. You might need to take a small ruler with you as I'm sure that it'll take some poking and measuring around to find something the right size.
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